Page 16 of Beloved Pet

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Jocelyn kept staring at the vibrator, her eyes as wide as saucers.

“This is insane,” she said. “It’s bad enough that we’ve done as much as we have, but to be mixing sex with work in such an obvious way…”

“No,” I said, reaching out to touch her arm. She shivered, but didn’t pull away. “This only adds to the excitement. You know you want to do it,” I smiled, shaking my head. “It’s better to do something you want than to regret not doing it, isn’t it?”

Her face went bright red, then completely white. She sat down abruptly in her chair.

“I’ll think about it,” she said.

I closed my briefcase, picked it up, and left her in stunned silence.

Chapter 10


The morning of the mediation, I got to the appointed meeting place very early, crisp, pressed, not a hair out of place, and with the remote control to Jocelyn’s vibrator in my pocket.

I turned it around and around in my hand, picturing Jocelyn blushing as she slipped the little device into her panties. Just thinking about it residing next to her wet little pussy that she had pleasured for me made me half hard.

I was alone in the conference room, but I wouldn’t be for much longer. It seemed judicious to push my chair in a little further, making sure that the conference table shielded me.

Jocelyn had decided to come, after all. She was the first one to walk in, hitting me with a breeze of cool air and the subtle scent of her perfume as she did so.

Her skirt, a deep evergreen that stood out stark against her skin, was tighter and shorter than anything she had worn previously. And her blouse was unbuttoned just far enough to reveal the side of her breast, when she leaned forward in a particular way.

But that wasn’t what made my thoughts stutter.

Her hair— every fiery, untamed inch of it— was down.

It fell around her face and shoulders in wild ringlets, bouncing with every step. She still looked every bit as confident, every bit as capable of owning a room. But I was momentarily dumbstruck.

“Good morning, Mr. Davies,” she said, coolly. “You’re very early today.”

“Punctuality is next to Godliness,” I said, meeting her steady gaze.

“I don’t think that’s the saying.”

She sat down, primly, keeping her knees pressed tightly together.

I was dying to know.

Had she worn the vibrator?

Had she even considered it?

Could I have misjudged her completely?

I knew that if she wanted to continue on like this, she would have worn it. But maybe she would find more ways to surprise me?

But I wouldn’t turn it on. Not until we had company. Otherwise, where was the fun?

The opposing lawyer, Mark, was the next to arrive, with his client, followed by the mediator, then finally, our client— late as usual.

“I know this has been a bit of a rocky road,” Jocelyn said, laying a folder on the table.

Smiling inwardly, I thought she did a very good job of portraying confidence. It was obvious to me now that she exuded more than she felt, but she was an expert at playing the part, and that was what mattered, in the law.

She continued talking. “But I think we can all agree that the terms of the original agreement—”

I hit the button.

“—agreement,” she considered, one hand reflexively grabbing the edge of the table, “are really quite fair.”

Her cheeks turned pink, and she turned her gaze to me. I nodded, studiously, hiding a smile behind my folded hands.

She took a deep breath.

“Rather than drag this out any longer, I think we ought to consider- ah-”

Her tongue flicked out to wet her lips. My thumb hovered over the button, giving her less than a moment to recover before I hit it again.

“I… hmmm.”

Her pulse quickened, and I could see the evidence, fluttering next to her throat.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, in answer to the questioning glances from the others at the table. “I think I’m having a little bit of allergies. Just a tickle in my thro- throat.”

She exhaled, eyes widening slightly as she gripped the table harder.

“Are you sure you’re feeling all right?” Mark was relishing this, without knowing the reason why. He thought that it bought his client more time. “You look flushed. Maybe we should reschedule.”

“No!” she cried out, half in response to him, half in response to my perfectly timed jolt. Everyone at the table flinched slightly. “I’m sorry. No. I think we’d all rather get this over with. It’s clear this case can be resolved easily.”

“Just a minute, then,” said Mark, producing a folder of his own. “I have some questions for you about the terms of this agreement.”

While he talked, I pressed the button for the vibrator mercilessly, watching Jocelyn struggle to retain her composure, and somehow find a way to focus enough on Mark’s words to actually address his concerns.

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