Page 7 of Beloved Pet

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What if I was just flattering myself, and he didn’t really want me to be one of his famed “pets,” anyway?

Because you saw the way he looked at you, I thought to myself. You know he wants you and that you’re the only one for him, because of that look in his eyes.

To be honest, I still wasn’t sure either way. But this is what my heart told me, so I was just going along with it.

No matter what happens here today, this experience is going to be good for me, I tell myself, reminding myself to have confidence like the YouTube videos I listened to always told me to. For my work life, or my sex life, or both.

I’d always told myself, somewhat aggressively, that I was perfectly happy with my virgin status. But in reality, I was curious about sex. I couldn’t deny it anymore.

I felt like I was missing something.

And whatever it was that I thought I was missing, I was sure that William Davies had it in spades.

I’d been standing there, stock-still, for so long that my back was starting to ache. I consciously tried to relax my posture, but it was hard. Something about this man made me feel like I had to present myself for military inspection. Not that my black mini-skirt, two-inch heels and silky blouse were really up to the task.

I had made sure to wear my finest clothes today, or, rather, second finest, since the ones from yesterday’s first day of the internship had been my finest. These showed off my curves well, even though I always felt they were a bit tight.

What if I didn’t meet his approval?

Would I get a spanking?

I didn’t know much about BDSM, but I thought it involved spanking, at least.

That was a great example of my pathetic inexperience. BDSM had become so commonplace that people laughed about it, but I didn’t even really know what all it entailed. Even the most unadventurous couples in the world had probably experimented with some light corporal punishment.

But me? God, what a sad story. I hadn’t even ever had sex.

If William knew my sexual history, or lack thereof, he’d probably laugh right in my face.

That thought was a bit intimidating. But then I reminded myself that he wouldn’t be so intimidating if he wasn’t so damn sexy. And if he weren’t my boss.

I finally heard the doorknob start to open, and my heart leapt. Clearing my throat, I straightened my skirt and tucked some flyaway hairs behind my ears. It wasn’t even windy, but the stupid drafts in the subway tunnels always sent my disobedient hair into a tizzy.

As the door swung open, I was face to face, once again, but a lot more up close and personal this time, with the most handsome man I’d ever seen.

“Good afternoon,” William said, with a smile and a welcoming gesture. “I’m sorry, I was so lost in thought trying to finish up some work.”

Before I could stop myself, I was raising an eyebrow at his claim.

“So, you weren’t just waiting on me to make me wait?”

I didn’t know what had come over me – I normally wasn’t so sassy; in fact, I was normally very shy and afraid to offend – but there was something about him that drew it out of me. Maybe it was the fact that I wanted him to spank me. In order for that to happen, I knew I’d have to disobey him some and give him a reason.

His smile took on a certain crooked quality.

“Do I really strike you as that kind of person?”

“Absolutely, Mr. Davis,” I said, stepping into his office. “Absolutely, you do.”

He just laughed, leading me into another office that was adjacent to his, with a door in between to separate them. Surprisingly, once we walked through, I found that it led to a sumptuous library.

“I have to admit, I was half expecting you wouldn’t show up,” he said, as I took my seat across from his desk. “A lot of people would have run screaming for the hills, the moment they opened my valentine.'”

To my credit, I didn’t even blink.

“Well, Mr. Davies, you are my boss. It isn’t as if I have a lot of choice in the matter.”

I tugged my skirt a little. Damn, this thing was shorter than I remembered.

“That isn’t true,” William said. “Everything we do at this mentorship program is voluntary. I don’t force you to do anything.”

He then reached over to pick up a bottle that was on the ed of his desk.

“Is it too early for wine? Would you like some?”

“No, but you can have some. It is rather early.” Eyeing the bottle with a frown, I wondered if he’d be offended. “For me, I mean. Please, don’t let me stop you.”

He shot me an amused look as he poured himself a glass. Like anyone had ever stopped him from doing anything he wanted to do. Like I ever could.
