Page 31 of A Modern Lady

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Chapter 13

Isabella opened her eyes and rolled onto Liam's side of the bed. It still felt warm, but he was no longer there. She closed her eyes for a moment, her mind replaying last night. Butterflies swirled through her stomach thinking about their tender moments. It was as if she were floating on air. But there was also a deep sadness that came along with it. For the first time in her life she’d found love, and was loved. She was finally happy. But like so many times before, life did not bless her with love but rather cursed it. Nothing but an illusion under borrowed time. None of it was supposed to happen. Not in the twenty-first century. Not with Liam. Not in 1881. Not ever.

Isabella got dressed and walked into the kitchen. Liam did not have breakfast prepared like the day before. But he did have coffee ready. He was pouring himself a cup when he noticed her with a smile.

“Good morning.” He walked over, leaning in to give her a soft kiss on the lips.

“Good morning.” Isabella blushed, hidden under her smile. He did an excellent job pretending nothing was the matter. Isabella decided it would be best to do the same. At this point there wasn’t much either of them could do about the whole situation. She had to go back, for her brother; or otherwise despise herself for the rest of her life.

“I’m afraid there's no time for my world-famous pancakes. We have to head out to Eva's house.” Isabella surveyed the room for a clock but then remembered that people in the twenty-first century mostly relied on their phones now. “What time is it?”

“It’s nine-forty.”

“Nine-forty?! Are you sure?” Isabella was awoken for the second time.

“Mhmm…” he nodded, grabbing his shoes out from the entrance hall. That was incredible. She had never slept that long. It was considered improper for a lady to do so. As ridiculous as this sounded, it felt liberating to sleep in.

“We’ll get something on the way so we don’t have to eat at my sister’s house. Only God knows what hides in the depths of that woman’s fridge…” Isabella laughed, exasperated as she remembered the bug flavored cookies his sister had given them.

“Does that mean no ladybug toast for breakfast?” Liam flinched, shaking the memory from his head in disgust.

“I will take you to something equally disgusting. Something more American than cowboy boots...”

Isabella took another big bite of the round sandwich which she held with both hands. Her eyes twinkled like her soul had just been rejuvenated. Liam threw her a grin, keeping his gaze on the road.

“This is the most incredible food I had ever tasted!”

She grabbed another onion ring and dipped it in the small rectangular plastic container with the sauce that was called honey-mustard. “I mean it. This is better than the Queen’s Christmas dinner! This man is truly a king.” Liam burst into laughter.

“I don’t think Burger King has anything to do with gourmet food or royalty. Quite the opposite.” Isabella gave him a quick angry look and spoke with a high chin.

“Well, to me he is. I recognize him as such. This food isthe real deal, as you Americans would say.” Liam laughed even harder.

“You can call me king too if you like. My pancakes are pretty amazing.”

“That’s what I thought too." she said, quickly raising a finger into the air. "But that was before I had a taste of the King’s.” She took another big bite. Liam grabbed the empty paper bags and pushed them under his car seat.

“We better not let Eva see this, otherwise we will be hearing about it until the end of time.” A baffled Isabella hid hers under her seat as well. Eva was truly unusual in a brilliant way. Never had she come across a smarter and more sassy person than her. Isabella liked her a lot, with the exception of her choice of food.

Liam pulled up in front of Eva’s house. Much to their surprise, she had been waiting for them outside. She was dressed all in white, from jacket to shoes, with her arms crossed and chin up, staring down at them. Her hair stood out, put up in a bun, tied together with a rainbow colored string. Liam pulled the car window down to lean outside.

“Are we going somewhere?” he asked.

“Of course we are. Why else would I be standing out here waiting for you. By the way, you’re late.” She opened the door at the back and got in.

“Two minutes,” Liam snickered, avoiding eye contact.

“As I said… Late.” She typed something into her phone and handed it to Liam. “Here, follow these directions.” He stared on the screen for a second, wrinkling his forehead.

“Is this a joke?” He turned to face Eva.

“Why would it be?” She rolled her eyes at him. He started to read the directions out loud:

“Follow the highway north until you see a happy redwood tree. Turn right. Follow that road until you see the sad Swamp Saloon. Don’t have a drink. Turn right again on the dirt road behind their parking lot. Once you lose your cell signal, drive ten more minutes and you will find me…” It was silent in the car for a second. Isabella was on her tippy toes pressed hard on the car mat trying hard not to laugh. Eva crossed her arms yet again. “I already told you you’d have to have an open mind. Mama doesn’t like technology, so you can’t find her with Google maps.”

“Mama?” Liam stared at her, leaning back with one eyebrow raised and the other pulled down. Eva lifted her chin in defiance. “Listen, we can either do this or call it off and I can go back inside and finish my thesis on wave-particle duality. Your call.”

Liam looked over to Isabella who didn’t have to sayplease,it was written all over her face. Liam took a deep breath.
