Page 34 of A Modern Lady

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“…Your heart, listen to it…” Mama's voice pierced into her soul, and right there and then she felt it. A painful sting of loneliness and despair eating her inside. At first she thought it was a feeling of lost hope, but when she saw herself bending over to pick up the coin, she felt it as clear as the sun shining through the forest with its light piercing through the canopy, illuminating a single wild flower on the musky, grass-littered floor.

“A wish,” Isabella's voice trembled, a tear rolling down her cheek, “…to be someone else… To be loved and cherished… To be far, far away…”

Isabella's eyes carefully opened to see Liam, Eva, and Mama gaze upon her in sadness. The burning sensation in her heart had come out in the form of tears as she tried to shake off those horrible feelings of solitude and hopelessness which she had felt that very night. Liam moved closer to take her in his arms.

“I didn’t want to be me anymore. I wanted to be gone, happy, away, loved, ” she said, fighting against the tears. Liam held her close, leaning his head onto hers.

“But how is this wish connected to her being here?” Eva turned to Mama.

“The other woman, the red haired one… She must have had the same wish, at precisely the exact same time, doing the exact same thing.”

“You mean bending over and getting hit by a car?” Liam asked.

“Or carriage,” Isabella answered.

With Eva’s help, Mama got back on her feet. She looked depleted. “Nobody really knows what forces are at play when it comes to life,” Mama massaged her aching neck.

“So how do I return?” Isabella sounded calmer under Liam’s comforting hug.

“I don’t know. I really don’t.” Mama rubbed her eyes.

“We should let you rest then,” Eva said.

“Yes, of course,” Isabella agreed, taking Liam’s hand to pull her back up. She walked over to Mama to grab her hand. “Thank you, Mama. With all my heart.”

Mama nodded as they began to walk out. They were already outside, walking down the crumbling old porch, when Mama shouted from behind. “Don’t forget… The Ghost has the answers…”

Liam and Isabella froze and exchanged worried looks. Eva frowned at their reaction; she was clearly not in the loop. “Ghost? Do you know what she is talking about?”

Isabella bit her lower lip. “I am afraid so…”

Liam took a deep breath in and forced the air back out in a sharp, determined manner. "It's rather complicated."

Inside the car, Liam brought the engine to life. He stared at Isabella who was staring right back at him as he gave her a reaffirming nod.

“Let’s get some answers from that bastard,” he said cracking his knuckles.
