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I leaned down to her ear, placing my hand on hers that was on the door handle. “Something…I don’t know what but this…fuck.” Taking a chance, I licked along the shell of her ear. An electric current shot between us at the soft contact. It was so small, but it was definitely there. “I’ve known you for years but I’ve never…this…” I couldn’t form a coherent thought where she was concerned. Something switched between us recently. I wasn’t sure why or how, but Ididknow that I wanted to explore it more with her.

“Zach,” she whispered.

My hold on her arm tightened. I was losing control. She was making me forget everything I had come to know and just feel. Just be. But I couldn’t. Not with her. Maybe never with her. It was too dangerous. I could never be enough for her.

I pulled back before I did something both of us would regret.

She watched me, her dark eyes billowing with lust that I felt all the way down to the marrow of my bones.

“Get in the car, Moonbeam,” I grumbled, heading around to the driver’s side. Before I got in the car, I adjusted myself and took a deep breath. This was a bad idea. A very bad idea. I was playing with fire where Luna was concerned, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before both of us got burned by the raging inferno growing between us.



Zach was looking at me differently tonight. He had been looking at me differently for a while actually, but I only just noticed how much when he licked along the shell of my ear. My skin tingled. I could still feel him. His desperate grip on my arm. Hear the growl of his deep voice. See the lust in his dark eyes.

Maybe the girls were right. Something was definitely growing between Zach and me. But even if that were the case, I could still feel him holding me at a safe distance. We may have been close, and I was the only one out of our friends he actually made a point to talk to, but he was still pushing me away.

My chest tightened at that thought.

His hands white knuckled the steering wheel. That sexy muscle in his jaw ticked. He looked good even though he was pissed about something. He wore a black tailored suit that was made for his big, strong body. A red tie sat against the white dress shirt covering his torso. The jacket to his suit hung in the back.

“Why aren’t you wearing your jacket?” I asked, figuring that was a safe question.

“Because it’s proper etiquette. Also, driving with a suit jacket on, is uncomfortable as hell.”

“Oh.” I ran my hands down my thighs. “Dresses aren’t overly comfortable at times either.”

He only grunted.

I looked out the window. We were still in our city, if you could even call it that. It had grown quite a bit since our parents were kids, but it was small compared to most.

“I hate these dinners,” Zach confessed, tugging on his red tie.

“Why do you do them then?” I asked, thankful that he had broken the silence.

“So, my father doesn’t have to and if I want to take over the business, this is my job. Although I could just hire people to do it for me…” His dark eyes flicked to mine. “I like being in control too much to let someone else do it.”

I shivered at the innuendo. “Well…” The questions were on the tip of my tongue, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted the answers or not. So of course, I asked anyway, “What’s going on? With us?”

Zach looked back out onto the road. “I don’t know, Moonbeam. I really don’t know.”

I cleared my throat, running my hands up and down my thighs. “Well…let’s enjoy dinner, have a drink or two and go from there. I’ll sit quietly while you do your business stuff and be the eye candy on your arm. Okay?”

Zach blew out a slow breath and scratched the dark scruff on his jaw. “Alright, Moonbeam. That sounds perfect if you ask me.”

We pulled into the parking lot of an Italian restaurant. I had never been there before because it was expensive, but I had always wondered what the food tasted like.

“Wow.” I sat forward, taking in the smaller building that had a noticeable chandelier hanging from the ceiling inside the restaurant. “I’ve driven by this place but I’ve never eaten here.”

“I only come here when I want to impress my clients or if they choose to eat here. The client I’m meeting tonight picked this place. I can’t really argue with him since I’m trying to buy one of his buildings.”

“Really?” My head whipped around. “You want to buy his building?”

“Well, I want to buy several of them actually. They’re in the perfect spot in downtown New York. They overlook Central Park and would be perfect for a hotel. I want to gut them and put up one big building.”

“Are they apartment buildings?” I asked, worried that people would be losing their homes.
