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“No.” I patted his arm gently. “You worry way too much. All of you do.”

“It’s our job,” he grumbled. “Gigi sure knows how to throw a party. I don’t even know half these people. I’m not sure I like that fact.”

“This isn’t a party.” There were a few other people that we had come to know from living in the same neighborhood or going to school together, but the party wasn’t as big as it used to be.

“Oh, this is nothing.” I told my father. “Wait until you guys leave.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

“Alright, my love.” My stepmom, Creena, came up beside us. “Leave her alone. She’s an adult and is old enough to take care of herself. Remember?”

My dad rolled his eyes which was an odd movement for someone so big. Even though they were now in their fifties, you couldn’t tell. Mom was Japanese and hardly aged a day since I was a little girl. And my dad was Italian and still grumpy as hell.

“Doesn’t matter how old she is.” Dad scowled. “She could be fifty and I’d still beat any fucker who touches her.”

“That’s why I won’t tell you.” I winked.

His jaw ticked, his face reddening.

I laughed, patting his arm. “I’m kidding.” I stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek, his graying beard tickling my lips.

“You girls are going to force me into an early grave,” he grumbled, grabbing his wife’s hand. He leaned down to her ear and whispered something only she could hear.

She choked on a laugh, her cheeks going pink.

I giggled, shaking my head. My parents inspired me. All of the parents did. Us kids didn’t know their whole life story. We weren’t allowed to know as they wanted to protect us, but I knew they had worked hard for their love. That was what I wanted. Someone to love me like my dad loved my mom.

My real mom died when I was a baby, but Creena was everything I could ask for in a motherly figure. It was amusing when I introduced her as my mother, and we looked nothing alike. Seeing as I was Italian, and she was Japanese. The looks we got were highly worth it.

My dad gave me another hug. “Just be careful. I don’t want to go to jail for murder if I find out some fucker touched you.”

“I’ll behave,” I reassured him. “I promise.”

“Good girl.” He pulled back. “We’re going to head out early. Your brother’s here so keep an eye out on each other. Alright?”

“We will.” My brother was nineteen and had my dad’s temper running through him. If anything happened to me, no one would know about it because the culprit would be dead.

Mom pulled me into her arms. “You be careful but also not too careful. You are allowed some fun. You don’t do it much.”

“I know.”

“I hear Zach will be showing up.” She held me at arm’s length and gave me a wink.

“Really?” I thought he was leaving after dropping me off.

“Yeah.” She smiled. “He was talking to Ashton and Aiden outside as your father and I showed up.”

“Oh.” My cheeks burned. “That’s nice.”

She laughed. “We’ll talk later.”

“I look forward to it.” And I did. Talking to her was like talking to a best friend but with her being more experienced and older, it helped whenever I needed advice. When it came to Zach though, I imagined I would be needing that advice sometime very soon.

When my parents left, I went back to serving the rest of the drinks.

“Did you hear that Zach’s going on a date?” someone whispered.

My hackles rose, my back stiffening.
