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“I’m confused,” I confessed, not liking the sound of the vulnerability in my voice. After my little chat with Luna, I needed out of my bedroom and went to my office, thinking it would distract me from her. But it didn’t help and only made me more wired instead.

“About what?” he asked, sitting on the leather couch leaning against the far wall.

“My friendship with Luna.” I joined him. “I think it’s growing into something more.” A lot of people hated talking to their parents, but I found I needed it. Although I was adopted, I never felt like I wasn’t a part of them, and they never made me feel any less than their child.

“You’ve been close since you were kids and she’s always had a crush on you. Are you starting to feel something toward her?”

“I’ve always cared for her. Is it turning into something more? I don’t know but I do know I want to try. Something. Anything. With her.” I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Never had been. It was too much like giving up control. I wanted to fuck her but at the same time, I didn’t want to be with anyone else.

“I get that, but I will warn you, her dad will kick your ass if you hurt her.” Dad rose from the couch and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge I kept stocked and handed me one.

“He’ll probably kick my ass even if I don’t hurt her,” I mumbled, wishing I had something stronger than just water at the moment. “He doesn’t like me.”

Dad scoffed. “Trust me, Son. It has nothing to do with you as a person. It’s because you’re a man. It doesn’t matter if you were some random stranger. He wouldn’t like you no matter what.”

“You would think he would want someone for his daughter who actually knows her and not some fucking stranger.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to ward off the impending headache.

“Yeah.” Dad laughed. “I didn’t have to deal with parents when I was dating your mom. I just had her brothers to worry about.”

I smiled. “And how did that go?”

“Your Uncle Greyson kept me on my toes, but I won her heart.” He shrugged. “I would have burnt the mother fucking world down for her.”

My heart warmed. I wanted that same love for someone that he had for my mom. I wanted their connection. That trust and communication. “I want the same.”

“You’ll find it, Zach.” Dad cupped my shoulder. “Just be careful. Luna loves her father.”

Meaning, she would probably choose him over me. But I wasn’t sure if she actually would or not. He seemed to raise her better than that. Especially with someone as headstrong as Creena for a female role model.

“Just take it one day at a time and don’t pressure her into doing anything she doesn’t want to do. I imagine she isn’t as experienced as you.”

My dick twitched at her being pure and untouched. The thought of taking her virginity and making it mine, stirred something dark and feral inside of me.

Dad laughed harder. “Yeah. You are definitely my kid.”

I only grinned.

“Well.” Dad stood from the couch. “I should head to bed and try and get some sleep before your mom starts worrying.” He paused at the doorway, turning back to me. “I’m just going to tell you one thing. Don’t hurt Luna and lead her on. If you’re not into her, stop whatever it is you’re doing before it goes too far.”

“I like her.” I had no intention of leading her on.

“Good.” Dad stared at me. “I’ve heard the rumors. I’m sure she has too.”

“It’s not true,” I confessed.

“How long?”

“Over a year.”

He nodded once, left the office, and quietly closed the door behind him.

I sighed, slumping onto the couch.

I needed a drink.


HEADING INTO THE DOVEProject, I was looking down at my phone when I bumped into someone. “Oh. Sorry.”
