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“Are you okay?”

I looked up, finding Clara Blanco staring down at me. “I’m so sorry.” I laughed lightly. “I’m distracted apparently.” Add to the fact that I hadn’t talked to Zach in a few days and I was a mess.

“No problem.” Her bright blue eyes warmed. “I was just leaving.” She glanced at her phone, a soft sigh leaving her full red mouth.

“Everything okay?” I always liked her. She had been nothing but nice after signing on to volunteer at the center a couple of months ago.

“I have a blind date coming up and I’m a little anxious.” A nervous laugh bubbled out of her. “It’s been awhile.”

“You got this.” I patted her hand. “You’re beautiful and kind. I’m sure you’ll have the guy eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.”

Her grin grew. She fluffed her long blonde hair, giving me a wink. “Well, I am irresistible.”

“Now you sound like Meadow.” I smirked, shaking my head.

“Well she is pretty awesome.” Clara had become friends with all of us but kept mostly to herself. She didn’t live in our town, so she never came to the parties that Gigi threw. As much as Gigi insisted. Clara preferred to go to school, work, volunteer at the center, and that was it. It made me like her even more because I would probably be the same way if I didn’t live with the girls.

“I hope you have fun on your date, and I can’t wait to hear all about it,” I told her. “But I should get inside.”

“Thanks, girl,” she said, walking past me. “Have a good one.”

“You too,” I called over my shoulder. I headed to the door of the large building and stopped. Turning back around, I saw Clara talking to Aiden and Ashton. They looked my way every so often.

My heart stuttered, wondering what that was about.


I jumped, spun around, and found my mom and Jay Rodriguez coming toward me. “Hey, sorry I’m late.”

“No problem.” Jay smiled, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes becoming more pronounced. “Come. Ainsley’s waiting for you.”


A few days later, I was getting dressed when thoughts of my desperate phone call to Zach crashed into me. My body heated. Although, I had forgotten what we had done, every time I went to bed at night, he invaded my dreams. I still couldn’t believe I had gotten up the courage to do that. And watching him touch himself…my body hummed. Yup. Definitely unexpected.

We were only able to text with how busy we had both been at work. My mom and Jay had needed me to help Ainsley, one of the other girls who worked at The Dove Project, with fixing up the place.

They also had a biker club come into the tattoo shop Jay owned, unexpectedly, who wanted new ink since they were staying in town for a few days. I had set up the appointments and both my mom and Jay were so busy, they had to call in a favor and get help.

Finally getting a day off on Saturday, I slipped into a cute red bikini. It had been the first sunny day all week, so I wanted to take advantage of it while I could.

Throwing on a white sheer button up shirt, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Just as I was about to leave my room, my phone dinged.

Zach: You free today?

I smiled.

Me: Yes.

Zach: Good.

My heart thumped. I wasn’t sure if it would be awkward, knowing what we had done a week ago. Add to the fact that we almost had sex too. I was thankful he turned down the date. When he cleared the air about the rumors, I wondered why he didn’t do that when they first started spreading. Maybe he found it easier not to. I was sure it could get tiring after a while and he probably just gave up.

Zach and I hadn’t talked about it but clearly, therewassomething going on between us. Something that neither of us could deny. Not that I wanted to anyway, but I knew even though Zach wanted me, and I wanted him, something was holding him back. I just didn’t know what it was.

A knock sounded on the door.

“Come in.” I gave myself one last glance in the mirror and let out a soft sigh.
