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“Listen.” Aiden stepped forward, giving his brother a glare. “Ignore him. We just want you happy. Both of you happy and if that’s not together, well, I think this woman could be good for you. And if something comes out of this thing with Luna. Well…look at this date as a last hurrah before you’re tied down.”

“I’m not going on that date,” I said, sounding like a damn parrot. “Besides, what’s in this for you? Are you wanting Luna for yourself?” I took a step toward the twins. “Is that your thing? Sharing women? I know you’ve had a little thing with Piper, but I don’t think Luna’s willing to share. In fact, I know she’s not.”

A knowing glance passed between the twins.

“If you don’t get your head out of your ass and make a move, I’ll make mine. With or without your permission.” Ashton lifted his chin. “I love you like a brother. You’re family. But that girl deserves to be happy after pining over you for years when neither of you are doing a damn thing about it.”

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I grabbed Ashton by the collar of his shirt and pushed him up against the wall. “You stay the fuck away from her.”

“Make me,” Ashton spat. “You can’t date someone and not expect her to do the same. That’s not how this shit works.”

“I’m not dating anyone. Why the hell won’t you believe me?”

“Because we know how you work. I’ve heard those rumors, Zach.” Ashton’s brows narrowed. “I know you like your women.”

“That’s why you set me up on the date all along, isn’t it? Say it, Ashton,” I demanded, tightening my hold on his shirt. “Say that’s what your intention was.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I pulled him away from the wall and pushed him back against it, hard. “Tell me.”

“Hey!” someone cried but I ignored them.

A strong hand clapped my shoulder. Knowing it was Aiden, it still didn’t stop me from spitting the words to his twin, “What the fuck do you want with Luna?”

Ashton grinned. “I want to make her happy because clearly you’re not doing fuck all about it. You’re too fucking scared to do anything about your feelings for her.”

“She deserves better,” I blurted.

“Youdeserve her,” Ashton said gently. “But it won’t stop me from making my move.”

Leaning toward his ear, I tightened my grip on his collar and lifted him onto his tiptoes. He may have been a few inches taller than me, but I was bigger. “You touch a single hair on her head, and I will gut you where you sleep. My black eyes will be the last thing you see before you take your last breath.”

“Challenge fucking accepted,” Ashton mumbled.

I released him roughly and took a step back. The hairs on the back of my neck tingled. I looked to my left and found Luna staring at me with wide eyes. But it wasn’t her that bothered me. No. It was her father. He stood right behind her, his dark eyes telling all. What he just witnessed was all the proof he needed that I was nowhere near being good enough for his daughter. And I just slammed the last peg in my coffin. There went my fucking chance.

Good job, Porter.

Turning on my heel, I trudged back down the hall, ignoring the stares of the onlookers and Luna calling my name. I left the house, jogged to my car, and drove home before I did something really stupid. Like driving my fist through one of my best friend’s faces.

I was running and that pissed me off even more.

Fucking hell.



“What the hell was that?” I cried, stomping toward Ashton. “What did you say to him?”

“Luna,” my father said from behind me.

I ignored him and stabbed a finger against Ashton’s chest. “What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything. But I said what he needed to hear.” He shrugged like it was no big deal. Well it was. It was a very big deal.

“You’re friends. You shouldn’t be this way toward each other.” Not unless a woman was involved. My eyes widened. Oh God. Was I that woman? Remembering the offer Ashton gave me not too long ago, I wondered if Zach found out about that. “Ashton,” I murmured.
