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He only gave me a cocky grin. Reaching out, he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “If he hurts you, I’ll kick his ass.” Leaning down to my ear, his hot breath scorched the side of my face. “And once he’s done with you, I’ll be here to pick up the pieces,Moonbeam.”

My heart jumped to my throat. Before I had a chance to respond, Ashton pushed past me and left my bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind him.

Reaching a hand up to my lips, my fingers grazed over them. They tingled from the kiss. A few days ago, no guys were interested in me and now there were two. What the hell was going on?

A soft knock sounded on the door.

Oh God. Now what? “Come in.”

The door opened, revealing…

“Piper? Listen, I have no idea what’s happening right now, but I promise, nothing is going on between Ashton and I,” I said all in one breath.

“I’m not with him. I haven’t been with the twins for a while,” she said, coming into my room and shutting the door behind her. “But I just wanted to warn you.”

“About what?” I asked, leaning against my dresser.

She sighed, running a hand through her dark hair before pulling it back into a high ponytail. “Ashton is a player. I’m not sure what his intentions are with you, but I overheard him talking to Aiden and a couple other guys.”

“Is he only interested because Zach is?” I knew Ashton had gotten around but I never thought I would ever be his latest conquest.

“I’m not sure. Just be careful. Ashton has no interest in settling down. I…I hurt him. I hurt both him and his brother and I didn’t mean to.” Piper let out another sigh and pushed away from the door. She moved to my bed, sitting on the edge of it. “The guy I met in Paris…well…it was intense but, Luna, it was fucking amazing.”

“That’s good. Is it not?”

She shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

“Well, meeting someone in Parisisromantic and all,” I added.

She laughed lightly. “I don’t think romance had anything to do with it. But it…God, Luna, it was the best night of my life, but it also scared the shit out of me.”

I frowned. “How come?”

“Because if he hurts me, I don’t think I could ever come back from that.”

I thought a moment. “Do we know this guy?”

A nervous laugh left her. “I…he’s been around. Meeting up in Paris was super random. I don’t even know how it happened. But he was there. I was there. And the next thing I knew, I was leaving his hotel room the following morning.”

“Wow. I…uh…went to leave last night. After everything…”

“Oh?” Her gaze shot to mine. “And?”

“He wouldn’t let me leave.” I shrugged. “I’m not experienced like all of you are, but I had assumed that’s what you do after and he wasn’t having any of it.”

Piper smiled. “It’s different for you. Sure, you can leave after if there’s nothing there but for you and Zach, something has always been there.”

“You think so?” I asked, my stomach tumbling.

“Yeah, I do.” She hesitated. “I heard he never went on that date.”

“No. He didn’t.” I sighed. God, if he found out that Ashton kissed me… “I need to know. Did the twins ever get jealous of each other?”

“No.” Piper looked away. “It wasn’t supposed to happen. Not like that. We got drunk and one thing led to another, but it was supposed to be one time. That was it. But I needed more. And then Paris happened, and my wish came true. So I ended things with them.”

“How did they take it?”

She pulled the elastic from her hair and put it back into a ponytail. I realized she did that whenever she was nervous or was talking about something she didn’t actually want to talk about.
