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I moved to the bed, sitting beside her and taking her hand in mine.

“God, Luna. I like this guy. I like him so damn much, but he also terrifies me. And my dad’s going to lose his shit…” She grimaced, shaking her head. “Anyway.” She stood. “I just wanted to warn you about Ashton.” She quickly left my bedroom, not giving me a chance to respond.

I really had no idea what the hell just happened. I knew something was up with Piper and the twins, but I never knew that it went that far. And then for Ashton to hit on me and tell me that he wanted more. Something was definitely in the water.



Today was long as hell. I couldn’t get thoughts of Luna out of my head, so all damn day, I was sporting a semi. And I couldn’t tell you what my meetings were about. My father was going to kick my ass.

While I was sitting in my office, waiting for the clock to tick down to the time I could leave without it being frowned upon, my phone rang.

Sticking the ear piece in my ear, I pressed connect. “Porter.”


My dick jumped.

“Hey, Moonbeam,” I greeted, my voice coming out husky.

A breathless laugh left her. “How’s your day going?”

“Long and boring,” I grumbled, sitting back in my leather chair. “How about yours?”

“Not too bad. I went to The Dove Project and helped out there for a little bit and then did a few hours at the shop.”

I smiled. The Dove Project had been set up by all of our mothers, years ago. It was to help human trafficking victims get their lives back after the trauma they endured. “How’s it going there? I know everyone’s working on getting it ready for the extension my mom wants to do on the place.”

“Good. Really well actually. Oh wait. You’re working. Am I bothering you?”

“Never, Moonbeam.” In all honesty, even if I was busy with work, I would drop everything to talk to her.

“Oh okay. Good.” She went on to tell me about the center and how she loved volunteering there. It was something she had been telling me for quite a while, and it made me wonder why she never actually worked there.

“Luna,” I said when she paused for a breath.

“Sorry.” She laughed. “I’m talking your ear off and you have things to do before dinner.”

“No.” I sat forward. “It’s not that. Have you ever thought of working at the center?”

“I…no. It’s not something I want to do. I love working with my mom and Aunt Jay. That’s my job. But the center is just something I do for fun. And that’s…” She cleared her throat. “Anyway, I should go and let you get back to work so I can get ready. See you later, Zach.”

“Luna.” A click sounded in my ear. I frowned, wondering what that was about. As soon as I was about to take the ear piece out, another call came in. “Porter.”

“That sounds so professional.”

I grunted. “How are you doing, Clara?”

“Good. You?”

“Oh, you know. Living the dream.”

She scoffed. “Right.”

“What’s up?” I stood from behind my desk and gathered up my things. No sense sticking around if I couldn’t focus on work. The sooner I got out of there, the sooner I could get a work out in and head back to Luna.

“I was just wondering if you’ve accomplished anything with your girl.”
