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“I know. When did everything else start?”

“I…A week or so ago.” I shrugged. Give me a board meeting and I could talk circles around it but when it came to Luna, I was a blubbering fool.

“Are you using her?”

“What?” My head whipped around. “No. Never.”

“I love you, Zach. You may not be mine by blood, but you are still mine.” Dad turned his head toward me. “But if you hurt her, I can’t protect you.”

“I don’t plan on hurting her,” I said, the hackles on my neck rising that he would even suggest such a thing. “She’s the first woman I’ve been with in a long time. Whatever rumors you’ve heard, they’re not true.”

“You already told me that. But why didn’t you say something?”

I shrugged. “What’s the point? People are going to believe what they want to anyway. As long as she doesn’t believe them, I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks.”

“Good. Keep it that way but just don’t hurt her. You have a temper.”

“I would never fucking hurt her,” I said a little too loudly.

Several heads turned our way.

I coughed. “I would never hurt her,” I repeated, quieter that time.

“I’m not saying that you would hurt her physically. Fuck, Zach. I know that would never happen.” Dad turned to me, leaning his shoulder against the wall. “But I know that when you’re pissed, you don’t think. So promise me, if something happens, you come to your mom and I. You don’t act out on that anger. You hear me? You come to us.”

I searched his face, frowning. “What are you getting at?”

“Just come to us.” He cupped my nape, leaning his forehead against mine. “Promise me.”

“Okay.” My heart jumped. “I promise.”

He pulled away, gave me a final look, and joined Angel who was standing around a BBQ. A minute passed and both of them were looking my way.

I sighed, pushed away from the wall and moved to one of the loungers.

Luna was still chatting with her mom and little brother. Although, he wasn’t so little anymore. He was a couple of years younger than Luna, but he still towered over her.

She laughed at something he said, the sound shooting through every fiber of my damn soul.

I sighed, scrubbing a hand down my face. I had to get it together for fear that Stone would kick my ass. Or her brother. I wouldn’t put it past him either. He was probably lethal as hell just like his father.

I noticed for the first time that Luna had lost weight. Why I never noticed the night before was beyond me. Oh yeah. Because all I could think about was sticking my dick in her. My stomach twisted. I was such an asshole.

She still looked good though. With her curves more toned, I could see the hint of muscle in her slender frame. Especially the way her back dipped into a tight ass that I had my hands on last night.

“Stop staring.”

My head snapped up, finding Gigi slumping down on the lounger across from me.

“I’m not staring,” I grumbled, my gaze flicking to Luna.

Gigi laughed. “Right. And I’m not lusting after my friend’s younger brother.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

She shrugged. “I can’t help it.”

“I get that. So I can only assume you’re talking about Vince Junior.” I sat back in the lounger. “Am I right?”
