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Bile rose to my throat. My parents had been the only ones who knew that I could hear my stepmother in my head.

Mom gave me a soft smile. “Well I should go see what your dad is doing.” She went to walk away just as my father came out of the house with two water bottles in hand.

“Hey.” He nodded toward me. “Jay said she has fake wine if you want to try it,” he told Mom.

She grimaced. “Um…no. And that’s too tempting anyway. Wine is wine. Whether it has alcohol in it or not.”

Dad grunted. “True.” He clapped my shoulder. “Everything good?”

“Oh yeah. Fine and fucking dandy.” Besides the fact I could feel Stone throwing icy daggers into the side of my head. I was perfect.

“Why is Stone glaring at you?” Mom asked, crossing her arms under her chest.

“Why do you think, little one?” Dad grumbled, glancing over his shoulder.

Stone was still talking to Luna. His back stiffened, his dark eyes looking our way. He nodded once, no doubt making nice since I wasn’t alone.

“Want me to kick his ass?” Brogan asked.

“Uh…I’m not sure I should answer that since you taught me to respect my elders and all.” I rubbed the back of my neck. This night was turning into a shit show and it had only just begun.

“Brogan.” Coby grabbed her hand, linking their fingers. He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “Zach can take care of his own battles. You know that.”

“I know but it doesn’t mean that I can’t protect him.”

“If I need you, I’ll tell you.” I kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

She chewed her bottom lip before letting out a hard breath. “Fine. I’ll behave.”

“Good girl.” Dad rose to his full height.

“I’m going to go mingle.” Mom stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before she headed into the house.

Dad’s hard gaze met mine. “Remember where we are, Zach. And also, remember that these people are our family and friends.”

“I know but I—” Laughter sounded, stirring something inside of me. Something dark. Something feral. Something I had never felt before with anyone I had ever been with. And I didn’t know how to deal with these emotions running through me.

“I know, Son.” Dad clapped my shoulder. “I get it,” he said low enough for only me to hear. “I know you would do anything and go through anyone to have her but be careful. She loves her dad. I’d hate to see her have to choose between the two of you.”

Before I had a chance to respond, he pulled away and went back to my mom. He linked their fingers once again and kept her at his side before she went and did something everyone would regret. Although, I had a feeling my mother wouldn’t regret it too much.

I let out a hard sigh and moved to the wall by the patio doors. Leaning against it, I crossed my arms over my chest and watched. It had been what I always did. No matter how old I was, I couldn’t help but pay attention to what was going on around me.

Memories poked their way at my mind, trying to break free but I shook my head, forcing them back.

A laugh brought me back to the present. My gaze landed on Luna standing with her brother, Piper, and the twins.

Ashton looked my way and nodded once.

I nodded back, wondering if he was going to do something stupid. But when he didn’t and only went back to the conversation going on around him, I let out a breath of relief.

“Remember where you are.”

I jumped, the back of my neck heating at being caught staring by my father. “I remember. It’s not like I would do anything here anyway.” I looked around the yard. Stone was nowhere to be found but it didn’t mean that he wasn’t keeping an eye on me. I knew how all of our parents worked. They liked for us to think they were all sweet and innocent, but I knew that back in the day, they were lethal as fuck. Some more than others but lethal just the same.

“When did this all start?” Dad asked me, leaning against the wall beside me.

“She’s always had a crush on me,” I told him.
