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I turned on the flashlight and headed out into the backyard. Not really sure what I was looking for, I checked both sides of the house. Nothing was out of the ordinary. It was a rather warm night. Humidity was thick in the air, but something was off. The hairs on the back of my neck tingled. Yup. Definitely fucking off.

Once I was done checking out the rest of the yard and satisfied that everything was fine, I headed back into the house.

“Well?” Gigi asked, chewing her bottom lip.

“I…” I glanced back outside. “Nothing was out of place. I didn’t see anyone, but I’ll tell the twins since they’re here more than I am.”

“Okay.” Gigi joined her sister at the kitchen table. “I hate being paranoid, but I swear I heard something.”

“I believe you,” I told her as Luna came into the living room.

“What are you guys doing up so early?” Luna asked, rubbing her eyes.

“They heard a noise,” I told her, my body vibrating with the need to wrap her in my arms. To take her away from here and keep her safe. Fuck it. I went to her and cupped her face.

She stared up at me with wide eyes. “Zach?”

Before she could protest, I crushed my mouth to hers.



Voices sounded around us followed by a squeal and maybe some cheering. Either way, I wasn’t sure. All I could focus on was Zach’s lips pressed against mine. In front of our friends. Holy hell. Although the kiss didn’t last long, and it remained PG at best, it still stirred something inside me that he laid claim on me in front of people.

He broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against mine which I had come to love. To crave. To expect. I knew that the forehead touch was calming for him in a way.

“Well it’s about fucking time,” I heard Meadow say.

“No kidding,” Gigi responded.

“Maybe you should take a note from them.”

“I…it’s complicated,” Gigi mumbled.

Zach chuckled, grabbed my hand, and led me to the dining room table.

“So…” Meadow waggled her eyebrows.

“Stop.” Gigi smacked her.

“What?” Meadow scowled. “I’m just happy alright? It’s about time and I’m just…happy.” She sighed. “I’m not a romancy type girl but this gives me all the feels.”

I laughed, my cheeks heating. “So you heard a noise?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Yeah.” Gigi stood. “I’m going to go make coffee.” She left the table and headed to the kitchen.

“What did you mean that she should take a note from us?” Rumors had gone around that Gigi had a thing for my brother, but I wasn’t sure how true that was.

“It’s complicated. Apparently.” Meadow shrugged.

“Well, I’m good with it. If the rumors are true, I would love for Gigi to date my brother. Lord knows he needs a good girl.” I grimaced. My brother dated some major bitches. I had no idea where he found them, but they were vile human beings. Especially his most recent ex who he remained friends with even though I had no idea why.

“Who’s dating whose brother?” Gigi asked, coming back into the dining room and placing four mugs on the table followed by the coffee pot.

“You are,” I said.

She coughed. “I’m not dating anyone’s brother.”
