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“I’m going to go check with the doctors,” Zach muttered. “Maybe they have news.”

I could feel his eyes burning into me, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything.

“Hey.” Brogan sat down beside me. “Did you want to talk about it?”

I snorted. “As if you don’t have better things to worry about than my little crush on your son.”

She smiled softly. “I know it’s more than a little crush, Luna.”

My cheeks burned. “But you don’t really want to hear about my…issues. Not right now anyway.”

“I do.” Brogan cupped my hands. “It’ll help distract me until I know what’s going on with my husband. So please, talk to me.”

I inhaled a sharp breath before blowing it out slowly. “I’m in love with Zach. And I told him this, but he never said it back. Which I never expected him to, but I was thankful that I finally had the balls to admit my feelings for him and that he never laughed at me or whatever. Also, I heard the twins set him up on a date, but he never went on it and now, knowing that it was with Clara, bothers me. And then seeing her hugging him…” I winced. “Add to the fact that I know her and she’s beautiful.” I snapped my mouth closed, waiting for Brogan to tell me that I was being unreasonable.

“I get it.”

“Wait…” I shook my head. “You do? So I’m not being unreasonable?”

“No.” She laughed lightly. “Not at all. Let me tell you a story.” She released my hands and sat back in the chair, pulling her legs up onto the seat. “A month before Coby and I got married, we decided to go out one night. We don’t drink but we wanted to dance and stuff our faces with a bunch of good food. We had been eating really well for months before that. We wanted to pig out.”

I smiled, nodding for her to go on.

“Anyway, when we were at the club, I had to use the washroom and I came back to some broad all over Coby. And I hate using that term because I’m all about women empowering women, but this chickwasa broad.” Brogan scowled.

“Wow.” My eyes widened. “What did you do?”

“I punched her, went home, and fucked my fiancé.”

I coughed. “Oh…uh…”

Brogan laughed harder. “You all think your parents are innocent. But trust me. None of us are innocent. Not in the things we used to do. Not in the shit we do now. We get by. Coby and I have instilled that into Zach. He’s a good man and that boy loves you.”

My cheeks burned. “He hasn’t said—”

“Doesn’t matter.” Brogan turned to me and placed her hand on mine. “He does. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. And yes, he has a past. We all do. But I’ve been around long enough. Sure, he may have been set up with Clara but remember, that date never happened. Besides, I didn’t see her look at him how you look at him. And he definitely doesn’t look at her the way he looks at you.”

“I’m just not used to him being friends with someone outside of our group. I know that’s lame but it’s the truth.”

Brogan sighed. “Trust me. Zach loves—” She turned her head, a deep frown settling between her brows. “Stone.”

“What?” I followed her gaze, finding my father coming toward us along with Angel, Dale, and Asher following behind him. “Daddy?” I rose from the chair and walked up to him. “What are you doing here?” I asked, giving him a quick hug.

“I called them,” Zach said, coming into the room. Lian and Henley, two more men who had been in their squad, joined us.

“How’s he doing?” Angel asked.

Asher and Dale stood off to the side, muttering softly between them.

“I think I can answer that.”

All of us turned as a young man dressed in a white lab coat entered the room. “Mrs. Porter?”

“Yes.” Brogan rushed to him. “Dr. Silvaggio, tell me my husband’s okay.”

“He is,” the doctor answered.

“Oh, thank God.” She reached a hand out.
