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“Yeah, he can be pretty cunning when it comes right down to it.”

“Um, yeah, I guess.” She shrugged slightly and sat back, much to my disappointment.

“Look, I still want you to do it if you will consider it. I know we got off on the wrong foot, Emma, but there honestly isn’t anyone else I would want to play my fake fiancée more than you.”

“I-I don’t know,” she said, getting up from her chair and nervously brushing her jeans skirt down. She wouldn’t look at me.

“Right, I embarrassed you, didn’t I?”

“Well —”

I wasn’t sure what made me do it, but I took a deep breath and started to sing to her. There was something about Emma that just made me feel silly. My song wasn’t even sensible—or in tune. “Emma! Please forgive me, Emma.”

Her cheeks turned bright red as she put a hand up to cover her face.

“Come with me, Emma,” I howled. “I can’t do this without you, Emma!”

As I got louder, people in the café started to stare.

“Stop,” she giggled, pushing on my chest lightly.

“Hey, Emma,” I sang. “I’m really sorry, Emma!”

Jumping towards me, laughing like crazy, Emma slapped her hands over my mouth. “It’s okay. Stop torturing yourself, not to mention any nearby dogs,” she begged.


I pulled one of her hands over my shoulder until she was forced to slide up against my body and look up into my face.

“It’s true,” she pointed out. The blush on her cheeks was a deeper red now, and her voice was a bit breathless.

“I know.”

“I appreciate the gesture, though,” she said, pulling away and sitting back down.

“Will you consider being my date for the event. We don’t really have to lie,” I told her, taking my own seat.

She looked down at the table. “I have a feeling that we do. If your Mom and ex are anything like you say they are. People do have a tendency to exaggerate.”

“Not me. I have the opposite problem.”

“You understate?”

“No, I speak the truth and am allergic to sugar coatings.”



“Well, that makes sense. Anyway, yes, I will go to the event with you and pretend to be your fiancée.”

I slapped the table with happiness. “How about we go to my place? To plot and scheme, I mean. I’ll even cook!”

“You can cook?” she asked excitedly, as though I had just confessed to having telekinetic powers.

I hesitated. Cooking wasn’t really my forte. If I wanted anything other than scrambled eggs, I usually ordered out, but in my haste, the words had just spilled out. “After a sort, though I can’t guarantee the fire brigade won’t be involved at some point.” I gave her a wink.

Emma laughed. “How we go about we go to my place instead? I can make you some of my Holy Crap crapes and Sweet Orgasm chocolate chip cookies. Old family recipe.”

My eyebrows went up at her words, and I started to feel a little giddy.

“Sounds great.”

Chapter Six


Noah followed me to my place. A process made easier by the fact that both of our cars were very distinctive. Rarely have I seen a deep red 30s’ style hot rod in such beautiful condition. The fact that my car was a decommissioned hearse done is what can only be described as TARDIS Blue, no doubt making it easier for Noah to keep track of me even in the downtown traffic.

My place wasn’t fancy, but it was neat. Cleaned and organized with near military precision like I was taught by my mother, who I was beginning to suspect had OCD. It was a walk-up. The building had only two floors, not every apartment in LA being housed in a high-rise, no matter what the rumors might imply. I had a chance at a detached house in Echo Park but, very politely, declined after seining the taped over bullet holes in the kitchen window.

We both found street parking, engaging our car alarms in unison.

I could almost feel Noah’s eyes on my ass as we went up the stairs. Not that I minded at all. I was honestly flattered that he thought me worthy of looking at.

I certainly looked at him. Especially when he stood up from the table at the cafe. Even though he was wearing pants, I could tell that he was already semi-hard. What’s more, I could tell that he was absolutely huge. I subconsciously licked my lips, thinking about having his huge cock in my mouth, hoping he wouldn’t notice when I realized that I was doing it, my lust making me blush.

It was increasingly clear that I was a dirty girl at heart, and it was really only my rearing that kept me from fully indulging in my true nature. Oddly, realizing that about myself made me feel neither prideful nor ashamed. It simply was what it was.

My hands were shaking as I unlocked the door to my apartment. I have expected him to come up behind me and grab my ass in both hands. Something about the vibes Noah was giving off. I was slightly disappointed when he didn’t, but still, I soldiered on — despite the gentle but distinct ache in my pussy.
