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After leaving Rouge, I had every intention of heading back to her place, but I got a better idea and drove us out of the city instead.

It wouldn’t be too far outside of it, but I found that I needed her. Just her. Nothing that would remind her of herself like her apartment would. And the same went with my place. I didn’t want any distractions.

When she begged for me to kiss her, I almost broke my own rule and did. Kissing had never been on the table. And I found that I never wanted to actually kiss anyone until I met her.

Kissing was intimate. It brought out feelings that I wasn’t ready for. Maybe I never would be. It wasn’t fair to Amber. I knew that. But I had hoped going in, that the way I used her body, would distract her from my mouth not being on hers. It was stupid of me to think that way the closer we became.

Amber’s hold on my waist tightened, pulling me from my thoughts. Her hands slipped beneath my hoodie, coming into contact with my skin.

A shiver trembled through me, never realizing until that very moment how much I needed her hands on me. The other night, it was just me touching her. Same went with the following morning. My hands had been all over her. But she never touched me. She never even hinted. Maybe she was more submissive than I thought she was.

Her hands moved over my stomach, up to my chest and back down again. They weren’t anywhere near my crotch and yet, I was hard as a fucking rock.

When I saw a side road that led into a group of trees, I turned down it. Slowing the bike, I pulled us off to the side and killed the engine. Kicking out the kickstand, I sat there and waited.

As if she could read the way my body reacted to hers, Amber slid off the back of the bike and took off the helmet. She placed it gently on the ground and helped me with my own. I wasn’t used to a woman doing things for me. I had been doing it all on my own for so long, that I never even noticed my hand grabbing her wrist.

Her breath caught and even though it was late at night and I couldn’t see her except for where the moonlight kissed her skin, I sensed the nerves in her eyes. The fear tickling her skin. The unknown of what we were doing or were about to do.

She pulled her wrist from my hand and undid the straps beneath my chin. Placing the helmet on the ground beside the other one, she waited.

I slid my ass back further on the seat and reached for her.

She came into my arms willingly.

Pulling her onto the seat in front of me, I captured her hair in my fist and tugged her head back. Her breath caught, that single sound, shooting through every cell and nerve in my body.

“I don’t kiss.” I lowered my teeth to her throat, scraping them along the length of her neck. “Kissing is intimate. Kissing can mean different things for people even if you talk about it beforehand.”

“I knew you were scared you’d fall in love with me,” she breathed, her chest rising and falling. She had asked me that question the first time we fucked when I told her I didn’t kiss.

“No.” I licked and sucked at her skin, knowing full well it was going to leave a mark, but the Dom in me didn’t care. I wanted everyone to know that she belonged to me. Especially that Will fucker. “It’ll be the other way around. When you feel my lips on yours. When you taste my tongue dancing along yours. When I swallow your moans and screams for more.Youwill fall in love withme, Red.”

A husky laugh escaped her. “Unlikely.”

I chuckled against her throat. This woman was different than the others. She pushed and shoved me away one moment and then welcomed me into her life the next. She was confusing, passionate, my complete undoing. We may have only just started finally sleeping together but I knew that I could easily fall in love with her. And I knew damn well that I could make her fall in love with me.

Instead of dwelling on that little matter, I inched a hand up her inner thigh. Thankfully, she was wearing a skirt because I needed her orgasm before we made it to where I was taking her.

“You’re going to come for me,” I murmured against her throat just below her ear. “And then I’m going to take you to a motel and spend the night fucking every inch of you, pet. And I do mean every inch. Your mouth.” I brushed my finger along the crotch of her panties. “Your cunt.” I slipped a finger beneath the fabric, a low grunt leaving me at how wet she already was. “Your ass.” I shoved two fingers into her, forcing a cry from her lips. “Nice and juicy, baby.” I pumped my hand against her, hooking my fingers inside of her and rubbing them against her G-spot.

“God.” She shook against me, cupping my knees and digging her fingers into them.

“Do you want all of that?” I knew she did, but I needed to hear her say it. No matter what the rumors were that went around about me, I wasn’t a selfish man. I gave as much as I took. More so when it came to Red. I wanted her exhausted from pleasure. I wanted to break her down, beat her ass, and make her fucking cry, but hold her and care for her at the same time. I wanted it all.

“Yes,” she whimpered. “I do. God, I want that. All of it. I want to hurt.”

“Lucky for you I like inflicting a little pain.” I nipped her throat for added effect, licking the spot soon after.

She laughed lightly, rocking her hips against my hand. “Please.”

“Lay back and take off your panties.” I released her so she could do as she was told.

She hesitated.

“You won’t fall.” I pulled out my phone, turned the light on low, and held it where I could see the area between her legs.

Amber laid back and reached beneath her skirt, tugging off her panties. When she was finally bare, she sat up and held them to my nose. “Do I smell good, Sam?”
