Page 57 of Hidden Lies

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My eyes anxiously look over, pleading for Alex to not say something that will make Mason angrier than he already is. Mason upset is very scary. He is massively strong and agile.

Alex doesn’t back down, staring right into his face. The girl that was on Alex’s arm quickly moves away.

I can’t have them fight over me. I wouldn’t forgive myself for causing a rift between the Kings.

I place my hand on Mason’s arm. “Please don’t do this. I’ll go with you, but you need to stop.” His arm is like steel and rage is boiling inside of him.

He looks at my hand on his arm. “We’ll go to the house and talk about this.” He turns his head toward Alex. “Let’s get back to the house.”

Alex nods and glances in my direction before he walks away to get inside his car. He twirls his keys on his finger, tilting his head upward as if speaking to the sky. “You good,hermosa?”

Walking back to slide into Mason’s car when Mason opens the passenger door, I answer, “I’m fine, Smiley.”

Alex gets inside his car and slams the door. His window is open, and he gives me a smirk. “What did I tell you about calling me Smiley? I will always be Alex to you, always.” I’m speechless as I watch him turn on his car, the sound of music by LXST CXNTURY blasting, and drive toward his house.

Chapter Thirty


Ipull up in front of the East Hillside Kings’ house and I’m furious. I place the car in park and turn to look at the girl I have lost. A pain in my chest I have never felt before constricts my ability to breathe. It feels like my heart is breaking into a million pieces.

“Did you fuck him?” I croak.

She squeezes her knees together and plays with the hem of her pretty white dress. I don’t even care if she knows Joaquin, and I can only imagine how she does with who her father is. He didn’t look at her like Smiley did. Smiley’s look was one of longing and an emotion I couldn’t place. The way he questioned me touching her was enough to confirm it, but I want her to tell me. I need her to confirm the truth that she slept with him. I don’t even care that she went apeshit on that bitch threatening her.

My mind is reeling with questions that I don’t have answers to when it comes to Lucy. I have never felt this type of emotion. I have always felt jealousy over a guy trying to talk to Lucy, but this is different.

“Tell me, Lucy. I have a lot of questions, but I need you to be honest with me right now.”

She glances at me nervously, and a single tear slides down her cheek. “Yes,” she says softly. “I slept with him. It was my way to…”

“To what?” I snap, and she flinches. I pinch my nose with my fingers, instantly regretting raising my tone with her.

She swallows and raises her chin, her beautiful blue eyes laced with anger. “To get over you.”

It feels like a knife is twisting inside of my chest and I feel like throwing up.

She continues as tears stream down her face as she tells me the story of how I broke her. “The same day I was happy about being a mother was the same day my world was torn apart. I came home alone and spent the night in my shower on the floor watching my baby die, bleeding out of me, and I was powerless to stop it. I have never felt so weak and helpless. The physical and emotional pain was so strong that it killed me inside. A part of my soul was leaking out of me in a river of blood.”

She wipes her face and sniffs. My heart is breaking imagining her all alone, keeping her silence and enduring the magnitude of the pain I caused her.

I don’t deserve her, and I think I never did.

She tries to compose herself. I want to comfort her, but I think I’m the last person she would want touching her right now.

“Yes, I had sex with him, and more than once, since you are so hell-bent on knowing everything. It wasn’t to get back at you or anything like that because of what happened. I needed to move on and stop dwelling on the past. I think more than a year to come to terms with what happened is enough time to accept it for what it was. It was a mistake that came with consequences. We were attracted to each other, and it just happened.”

I suck in a breath, my stomach in knots at her admitting what I feared to be true. This is how she must have felt when she saw me with Gloria. We weren’t together, but I get it now. It feels like a betrayal of what we shared, but I can’t be mad at her because she found a way to get over me. It guts me because another man touched what I consider mine, but I can’t get mad at anyone but myself.

“Does Aiden know about you and…” I trail off. I can’t even say his name. I want to walk inside that house and strangle him for touching her skin and knowing what she tastes like. It feels like he took something from me like a thief in the night.

She nods. “I told Aiden what my decision was so that nothing would fall back on Alex. Alex wanted Aiden to be okay with it and felt it was important for him to know. Aiden has agreed to back off and not interfere with my personal business.”

Aiden fucking knew this whole time who she was sleeping with and he never said a word. I told him about my intention with Lucy and what had happened. He has been avoiding me ever since and won’t look at me. I know he is pissed about everything and I’m waiting for the blowback.

Aiden is the type to act by waiting patiently to collect. Like a demon waiting to collect a soul and take them to hell. It is just a matter of time before he snaps on me about his sister. Aiden loves and protects Lucy like a big brother should.

Lucy opens the door of my car just when Aiden, Khalani, and the guys pull up in the Charger. The roar of the engine gets louder as he blocks my car in and gets out. He follows Lucy and Khalani inside the house without a glance in my direction. Fuck. He is pissed.
