Page 59 of Noble Intent

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He shrugs. “If you want to look at it that way, sure. But I have no regrets. I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear, but I’m living the life I want.”

“I just wanted the truth. Thank you for your time.” I don’t bother with other pleasantries because there’s no point. He has no regrets, so neither will I. I stand up and walk out of his house, closing the door tightly behind me.

I lean against the wall beside the door for just a minute, closing my eyes and attempting to catch my breath and control the barrage of emotions. Despite how little time we spent with him, I think I got exactly what I needed from him.

It was never about me not being enough.

He simply wasn’t enough.

He wasn’t man enough to be there for his wife and kids.

He wasn’t man enough to own his responsibilities.

He wasn’t man enough to be a dad instead of simply a sperm donor.

But none of that was my fault.

Feeling my heart steady as I get the closure I was so desperate for, I open my eyes, and my breath immediately catches in my throat when I see the most beautiful pair of blue eyes staring back at me in concern.

“Are you okay? I was two seconds away from storming the house after the way Elise flew out of there crying.” His arms wrap around me, and he pulls me against his chest, and I’m convinced I have to be dreaming. Trent can’t actually be here right now, can he? The steady thrum of his heart lulls me into the safety of his embrace, and tears of relief prick my eyes. I didn’t mess it up. He’s here for me, even after I tried to break up with him in a fit of crazy insecurity. I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him as close as I can. I love this man so much. I can’t believe I almost lost this.

For the first time since our relationship started, a true sense of peace washes over me. This is real. This is love. Trent wants me—he’s made that abundantly clear. And I want him. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my entire life.

“You won’t leave me,” I whisper on a soft sigh, my body suddenly feeling light and free.

Trent pulls back, frustration clear in the furrow of his brow. “I’ve told you I’m not going anywhere. You can push me away all you want, but I know you don’t mean it. I love you, Becka. You’re it for me.”


I don’t know how many times I have to tell this woman I won’t leave her before she finally believes me.

Relief shines in her eyes. “I love you too. I’m so sorry about everything that happened in LA. I just…Brad showed me some footage of the tour and girls all over you, and I just lost it.”

I pull back more to stare in her eyes so I can better understand. “Brad? The douchebag you were crying over when we first bumped into each other?”

She nibbles her lip and nods her head.

“I don’t know what footage he showed you, but I can assure you there was no one else on that tour. Besides hanging with the guys, I was by myself.” I press my forehead to hers, trying to figure out how to prove to her that she’s the only woman I want—the only one I willeverwant. “Why didn’t you talk to me about it?”

Her watery gaze meets with mine, and there’s so much vulnerability there. “Honestly?”

“That’d be nice.”

She lets out a shaky breath. “Because I didn’t think I could be enough for you.” She shakes her head like she thinks the thought is crazy—because it is. “I know that’s not true now, but at the time, it just hit a nerve. I think maybe I was also feeling extra insecure because I knew Elise had found our dad, and I got lost in my own head about how if I wasn’t good enough for him then how could I ever be good enough for you?”

“Becka, you are more than enough. You’re enough when you’re carefree and happy. You’re enough when you’re emotional and moody. You’re enough when you’re crazy and irrational. You are enough, always.”

Tears slip down her cheeks as she chokes out, “I’m so sorry, Trent. I want to fix things with us. I don’t want to lose you. I’m done letting my fears and insecurities get in the way.”

Wiping the tears with my thumbs, I brush her lips with mine. “Good, because you’re the love of my life, Becka. I can’t live without you, nor do I want to.”

She wraps her arms tighter around me, and we stand there holding each other for several minutes before I feel her body truly relax against me.

Brushing her hair, I ask, “Did you get what you needed from him?”

She looks up at me, her green eyes causing my heart rate to spike like it always does whenever she’s near. “You know what? I did. I mean, he didn’t really say much, but what he did say filled in some of the blanks that I’ve been living with my whole life.”

I brush a lock of hair from her face and lean down to kiss her forehead, wanting any excuse to touch her. “Good. Then I’m glad you came.”
