Page 26 of Forbidden Intent

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When someone shows you who they are, believe them.It’s this thought that’s spinning through my brain for the next week whenever I think of Miles.He’s only ever shown me kindness and compassion, even when I was cold or short with him.

I’m not blind—I see his frustration with me pushing him away when he knows I feel this palpable chemistry between us.And yet, he still tries to talk to me, and he still smiles at me.

He saw me—like reallysawme—last week when I didn’t want him to, when I didn’t want anyone to.He recognized I was drowning and offered himself as my life raft, and I was so desperate to take him up on that offer.

I promised myself I wouldn’t put my baggage on someone else when I needed to deal with it myself, but what if he’s the man who I can share the load with?What if he’d be willing to take a little off my shoulders so I don’t feel like I’m constantly drowning under the weight of it all?

I thought it wouldn’t be fair to put that all on him, but is it fair not to give him a chance if he’s willing?

“Hey, what’s taking you so long?Is it the wrong size?”Rikki asks through the door.“Or is it perfect and you don’t want to show me because you know I’ll make you buy it to wear to that wedding tomorrow?”

“It’s just a reception.”

“Same idea.”She lets out a sigh.“Man, I’m so jealous that you’re going to Trent Bridger’s wedding reception.”

I smile at my reflection in the dressing room mirror.“I told you I’d be more than happy to take you as my plus one.”

“And I toldyou, that if you’re going to use that plus one, I’d rather you took Miles.”

I nibble my lip and run my hands down the floral hi-low dress that hugs my breasts and then flows loosely down my body.It’s sexy and feminine, but most importantly wedding appropriate.

“Miles has his own invitation,” I say, wondering what he’ll think of this dress.


“He can invite his own plus one.”

“Do you really think he would?”she asks through the door.

“No, I don’t.”Not after our moment outside the studio.He saw more than I wanted him to and he didn’t run screaming.It’s the only reason I’m considering giving him a real chance.

That, and I’m tired of pushing him away when I want him so badly.I know I’m setting myself up for a world of hurt if he decides I’m not worth it.

With a deep breath, I open the changing room door and step out.Rikki’s eyes sparkle as a smile lights up her face.

“Tam, you’re gonna knock his socks off.You look stunning.”

I slide my hand down the dress again.“You sure?”

“Absolutely.He’ll be lucky if he can even speak in your presence.”

“Am I doing the right thing?”I ask, my confidence wavering.

“Yes,” she says without hesitation.

I turn to her.“How are you so sure?”

She grabs my hands.“Tam, you deserve a man who sees how incredible you are, and by all indications Miles might be that guy.It’s time to get out of your own way.You’ll never know if you don’t try.I know putting yourself out there is scary—it’s scary for everyone—but you have to try.”She squeezes my hands and smiles wide.“What if he’s the one you’ve been hoping for this whole time?What if at the very least he can unlock this prison you’ve got yourself trapped in?”

I open my mouth to defend myself, even though she’s not wrong, but she raises a hand to stop me before I even begin.“I know.You don’t have to explain or justify why you are the way you are.Not to me.”

I deflate a little, closing my eyes and trying to take deep breaths to ease the tight panic that’s filling my chest.“I’m really scared,” I say.

She tilts her head slightly, her gaze watching me intently.“Of what exactly?”

“Of everything.Of giving him a chance.Of pushing him away.Of him breaking my heart.”
