Page 27 of Forbidden Intent

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“A happy ending is never a guarantee, Tam.But you can do this.You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.”She hesitates and her gaze drops to the floor as her hands squeeze mine.Her shoulders rise with a heavy breath before she looks back at me.“I know we never talk about that night,” she says in a hushed voice.


“No, I need to say this.I didn’t know how to say it then because what do you even say when you find someone you love in that situation.But I need to say it now.I’m sorry.”

I shake my head and open my mouth to speak, but she continues.

“I’m sorry we got separated and that I didn’t get to you sooner.I’mso incredibly sorry.”

Tears fill her eyes and I let go of her hands to wrap my arms around her shoulders and pull her in for a tight hug.“It wasn’t your fault.”

“It wasn’t yours either.”

It’s those four words that burrow into my soul and ease some of the grip that night has had on my life.It’s not the first time she’s said them, but it might be the first time I’ve believed them.My resolve strengthens and I hug my best friend, my soul sister, a little tighter as I mentally promise myself not to hold back anymore.

I’m going to take a risk on Miles and hope like hell he’s worth it.

I pull up to Trent and Becka’s gorgeous house—mansion is probably more accurate—and hand my keys to the valet they’ve hired for the night.Trent said it wasn’t a huge affair, but based on the cars and number of wait staff, there’s got to be at least one hundred guests at their reception.I follow the other guests inside, my gaze scanning the crowd for a familiar face.I know my dad is already here because he texted me twenty minutes ago, but I don’t see him right away.

I walk out to the back patio and stand mesmerized by the splendor of their backyard.They’ve turned it into a romantic oasis that looks like it’s straight out of a movie.


I turn at the sound of my name and see Robbie standing with a beautiful redhead in a cornflower-blue wrap dress that complements her fair complexion.

“Hey Robbie.”

“Hey.Tamsin, this is my wife, Jolie.Jo, this is Tamsin, Decker’s daughter—the one I was telling you about.”

They share a look like only married people can that seems weighted with unspoken words, and I can’t help wondering what exactly he’s said about me.

Jolie turns her green gaze to me and smiles wide as she sticks her hand out.“It’s so lovely to meet you.Robbie’s spoken very highly of you.”

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise.“He has?”

She nods.“He says you’re going to school to be a music publicist.I had no idea that you could even get a degree in music industry.”

“Yeah, I’m sure most people prefer to learn hands-on, which is probably why the program encourages internships so much.I don’t plan to help on the producing side of things, but I can’t deny that I’ve learned a lot from watching the process.”

“It’s a good way to get to know the band too.Do you plan to work for a PR firm after college, or work directly with one band?”

“I haven’t decided yet.I’ll see what opportunities are out there.I’ve got a few more years, and there are appeals to both.A firm offers a lot of resources and support that might be harder to get if I work directly under a band, not to mention a variety of clients opposed to just one.But working for one band might be nice just to learn all the ins and outs, be familiar with their needs, and get to know them even better so I can better support their PR needs.”

Jolie smiles wider and turns to Robbie.“You were right.She is smart.”She looks back at me.“I have no doubt whatever route you go, you’ll be great.”

I blush under her praise and stand a little taller as her kind words bolster my confidence.A passing waiter stops to offer them champagne, and I take the opportunity to glance around.My gaze immediately lands on Miles walking toward me with purpose in every stride.He looks downright delectable in his dress slacks and white button-down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top two buttons undone.

But it’s his unwavering gaze locked on me that affirms I’ve made the right decision.Regardless of what comes from this leap of faith, he’s worth the risk.
