Page 43 of Forbidden Intent

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“Anyway, we gotta get ready to head on.You good back here or you want seats out front?”

I look to Tamsin, letting her decide.“I’d love to watch from the front,” she says.

“The front it is,” says Chase with a flirty smile.My arm tightens around Tamsin possessively and Chase reads my glare correctly.He holds his hands up in an innocent gesture, but with a smile on his face that tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing.He just wants to gauge how serious I am about her.I’ve never been opposed to sharing my girls in the past.After all, they didn’t really mean anything, so it wasn’t a big deal.

But Tamsin means something to me.Hell, she may mean everything to me.

Grabbing her hand, we follow a roadie out to the front before the opening bands get started.We’re only in our seats a few minutes when a familiar voice speaks beside me.

“Miles?”I turn my head toward the voice and Robbie is there, his hand holding Jolie’s as they make their way next to us.His eyes sparkle with their usual carefree happiness and hold clear surprise, which turns to confusion when his gaze moves to the woman next to me.


“Uh, hey Robbie.”

Robbie’s not a stupid guy, and it only takes him looking at us both for about thirty seconds for him to put it together.

“Are you two here on a…date?”He looks at me, his eyes piercing and more analytical than I’m used to seeing, but the underlying message is clear.Do you know what you’re doing?

Reaching over, I grab Tamsin’s hand and, holding it in mine, rest them both on my thigh.“Yep,” I reply.

Thank fuck for Jolie.She interrupts the silent stare-off Robbie and I are having and waves to Tamsin, a bright and friendly smile on her face.“Hey Tamsin, it’s so good to see you again!”She glances at the seats next to us and then smiles at us both.“It looks like our seats are right next to yours.”

“Chase?”Robbie asks me.

I nod.

Jolie gives me a knowing look.“I thought there was something between you two when I saw you at Trent and Becka’s reception.”She moves her gaze to Tamsin.“I’m so glad there’s another girl in the group.It can be such a sausage fest with these guys.Are you going to be at the studio next week for their session?I’m planning on popping by to get some pics for their socials, and I’d love to grab lunch or something if you’re free.”

“Do you work for the band too?”

Jolie laughs.“I think everyone in this band family does something for the band.I run their social media accounts and take all the tour photography.”

Tamsin’s eyes light up.“That’s awesome.I’d love to pick your brain and talk social media with you sometime.It’s such an ever-evolving landscape for both good and bad publicity.”

“It definitely is.”

“So lunch would be great!”

Jo’s smile widens.“Yay!I can’t wait.”

“Me either,” Tamsin replies with that growing confidence I’m becoming so fond of.I know it’s all her, but it makes me feel twelve feet tall knowing I’m the guy who gets to stand beside her and watch her confidence blossom into what it should’ve been all along.

When the opening band comes onstage, Jolie moves back to the other side of Robbie, who’s still next to me.We watch in silence through their set, and it’s only when the roadies are doing the quick change for Wrecked by Reason that Robbie leans over and whispers in my ear.

“We need to talk.”

I glance over at him and can see the serious expression on his face even with the dim lighting.I nod begrudgingly, already imagining what he’s going to say and how much I don’t want to hear it.I’ve thought about all the cons of being with Tamsin already.I don’t need to rehash it with him, especially not when things have been going so well these past few weeks.

The concert is just as good as I expected it to be.Chase kills it on the drums and Derek’s not a bad bass player, although I can tell they haven’t quite found their new chemistry with Sean’s replacement.

After the concert’s over, Jolie steals Tamsin to go to the bathroom with her which unfortunately leaves Robbie and me alone.

As soon as the girls are out of sight, he spins to me.“What the hell are you thinking?Decker’sdaughter?Are you trying to fuck the whole band over?”


“Don’t fucking ‘dude’ me.I’ve got enough on my plate worrying about Kase and now I gotta worry about you too.”He runs a hand over his face.“This is bad, Miles.She’s not just some woman you can fuck when we’re in town and call it good.She’s someone important.”
