Page 53 of Forbidden Intent

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He shakes his head again and then runs his hand through his hair—something I’ve noticed he does when he’s feeling especially vulnerable or worked up.“That’s the thing.I can’t attribute it to any one thing.I just know that the last time I felt this way was before my brother screwed the band over, and that lesson taught me to always trust my gut.”

“And your gut is telling you something bad is coming.”

He nods, and then he tears up, looking so lost and hurt I can’t stop myself from going to him.

“I haven’t been there for him like I should’ve been.I’ve been putting up defenses and keeping him at arm’s length.I think because of what Jesse put me through.But what if by doing that, I’m partly to blame for him turning back to drugs?”

I shake my head but can’t speak over the ball of emotion clogging my throat.I’ve never seen Miles like this, and it’s breaking my heart.Climbing into his lap, I wrap my arms around his shoulders while his slide automatically around my waist.He pulls me tight against him and buries his head in my neck.

I don’t know how long we sit like that, wrapped up in each other while Miles lets out all his hurt and fears.

“Would you stop fidgeting?”Miles asks as I wring my hands together in my lap.

I glance at the clock and then back at him.“You realize if my best friend doesn’t like you, we have to break up, right?”

His eyebrows shoot to his hairline.“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.Rikki is my ride or die.Besties before testes.Hoes before bros.She’s my best friend, my soul sister, and her opinion matters to me—probably just as much as my dad’s.Besides…she has way too much dirt on me to stop being friends with her now.”I toss him a wink to let him know I’m kidding—mostly.

But I am serious about how much I need this meeting to go well.I want my best friend and my boyfriend to like each other and get along; I don’t want to ever have to choose between two of the people I love the most.

He squeezes my clenched fists—whether to stop my fidgeting or to offer comfort, I’m not entirely sure.“Everything’s going to be fine.I’d like to think I’m a pretty easy guy to get along with.”

“You are.It’s just…”

“It’s just what?”

“I’ve never had anyone worth introducing to her, or my dad for that matter.”

His gaze softens and he wraps me in his arms.“Speaking of your dad—”

“Oh no.Is he on to us?He figured it out, didn’t he?I knew we shouldn’t have stolen that kiss at the studio.Someone must’ve seen and—”

“Woah, woah, woah.Calm down.As far as I know, he has no idea.But that’s something I’d like to change.”

I must’ve misheard him.“What?”

“I want to tell your dad.And the band.I don’t want to keep this a secret anymore, Tam.It’s been nearly two months.We kept it a secret because we weren’t sure where it was going, but I think it’s safe to say this is a serious relationship.I mean, I don’t see this ending anytime soon, do you?”

“No.”I don’t see it ending at all, but I’m not ready to say that out loud yet.We haven’t even said “I love you” to each other.

Hell, we still haven’t even had sex!

“So then, what do you think?Can we finally tell everyone we’re together?”

I should worry about my dad’s reaction, but I’m too happy to worry right now.Instead, I embrace the joy and excitement rushing through me and throw myself into Miles’s arms.

Rikki shows up a few minutes later with her boyfriend, and the night goes smoother than I’d hoped.But nothing eases my fears more than Rikki’s whispered words of approval when she hugs me before leaving.

Now I just need it to be as smooth with my dad.

Warm, thick arms slide around my waist as I lock the front door.Miles moves his front to my back, pushing our bodies together until my front is pressed against the door—trapped between the door and his body.His hot breath warms my neck an instant before the roughness of his tongue slides against the nerve endings leading up to my ear.Goose bumps rise on my skin, and I take a shuddering breath against the wave of desire Miles always seems to bring to life.

He makes a noise—a deep rumble in his throat that makes my clit throb—and spins me around to face him.He grabs my wrists and holds them above my head with one hand, the other sliding down to the hem of my short skirt and then sliding up between my legs until his finger is rubbing against the seam of my sex over my underwear.

We’ve touched each other in so many ways over the past few weeks that it doesn’t take any time at all before I feel like I’m at the peak again.I’ve grown used to getting to this point and never going over.It’s disappointing that I’ve still not orgasmed, but it doesn’t diminish the pleasure.

“Time for lesson number two, Baby Girl.”

Fuck.I love when he calls me that.Then his words fully register, and my dampness thickens as my excitement grows.

“What’s lesson number two?”I would feel embarrassed by how breathless I sound if I could find the will to care, but I can’t.

He smiles against my skin.Then he whispers in my ear, “Oral.”
