Page 62 of Forbidden Intent

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Robbie nods reluctantly.“You’re probably right.I’ve done everything I can think of, but it feels like he’s more distant than ever.I don’t want to get that call again that he’s OD’d and find out we can’t save him this time.”

“What are we talking about?”Jolie says as she walks up to our group, sliding her arm around Robbie’s waist.One glance at her husband and her smile fades.“You’re talking about Kase, aren’t you?”

He nods.

She looks at the rest of the group.“Whatever we do, we need to do it soon.I’m sick of seeing Robbie so stressed out over this.It’s wearing on all of us; we can’t ignore it anymore.”

Trent rubs the back of his neck.“I wouldn’t say we’ve been ignoring it.”

Jolie fixes him with a stern glare.“It’s time to stop pretending like we aren’t watching him spiral out of control.I know you guys don’t want to give him an ultimatum, but if it saves his life, it’ll be worth it.Honestly, you should’ve insisted he go to rehab when he first confessed to doing heroin a couple of times.He needs help and it’s time to stop pretending the problem doesn’t exist.”Trent opens his mouth to speak, but she holds up her hand to stop him.“You’ve been avoiding dealing with it and we all know why, but the time has come where it can’t be avoided any longer.”

Tamsin looks at me, a question in her eyes, and I lean down to whisper in her ear, low enough that no one else can hear.“Trent and Tristan’s mom died from a drug overdose.They’re touchy when it comes to substance abuse.”

She nods in understanding and squeezes my hand, knowing the issue of substance abuse is hard for me too after my brother.And once again, I’m grateful to have her by my side, especially now.

“My immediate concern is that this might get out to the press and impact your album release when it’s ready,” Robbie says.“I still haven’t found a new publicist for us yet, but I think we’ll need to be upfront with whoever we choose about Kasen’s drug use so we can plan to get in front of this.”

Trent rubs his chin and drops his gaze to the ground.I can practically see the gears spinning in his head.Then he looks up at Tamsin and narrows his eyes.

“What did you say you’re getting your degree in again?”

She glances around the circle and then at me, before looking back at Trent.“Uh, communications with a minor in public relations and an emphasis on music publicity.”

“That’s what I thought.”He stuns us all when he says, “You want a job now?”

“What?”Tamsin asks, her eyes wide in disbelief.

“We need a publicist and preferably someone we can trust.At the moment, I can’t think of anyone better than someone who’s already in our inner circle.You’ve impressed me with your work on our album, and your dad speaks highly of you.”

“But I’m not an actual publicist.I’ve only just started learning—”

“Some of the best education I’ve ever received I learned by doing.Just think how great your resume will look if you want to join a firm after college and you can say you’ve already worked with a Billboard Top 100 band.”

Tamsin’s mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, but no sound comes out.

“Look at it this way,” Trent says.“You get some hands-on experience, we get someone we can trust, and if you really feel like you don’t know what to do, we’ll get a second publicist to help you out.But we like to keep things in the family.”He shoots a quick glance to me before focusing back on Tamsin.“And you’re part of the family now.”

A radiant smile spreads across her face.“Okay.I’d love to.”

“Great,” Trent says, clapping his hands together and facing Robbie.“That’s one thing settled.We’ll worry more about Kasen tomorrow.Today is about celebrating Jo.”

We all nod in agreement, and the group breaks up with Robbie and Jolie moving over to talk to her parents.Trent, Tristan, and Becka go outside where Jolie’s brother is grilling burgers, and Tamsin and I hang out in the living room with Rikki and her boyfriend.

Eventually, Rikki’s boyfriend wanders out to grab a burger and Tamsin excuses herself to use the bathroom.

“Tamsin’s really excited for your girls’ trip to Vegas next month,” I say to Rikki.

She smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.“We may have to postpone it now that she’s got this new job with the band.”

I brush her concerns aside.“I’m sure Trent will be fine with her being gone for a weekend.It’s no big deal.”

She nibbles her lip, and I can no longer ignore the worry in her gaze.“What is it?”

She shakes her head like she doesn’t want to say anything, but she’s got me worried now.“Rikki,” I say, my tone demanding she answer me.

Her worried gaze meets mine and her voice drops.“I know she’s excited about this opportunity, but you realize she’s not going to be taken seriously by anyone in the industry now, right?”

“Why the hell wouldn’t she?”
