Page 110 of Broken

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“What is this obsessionwith older movies that we have?” Lorenzo grinned at Katrina as they sat side by side on the couch, just finishingThat Thing You Do!The hour was getting late and the rain had stopped, yet he’d stayed. At least now he was in his own clothing rather than just a pair of shorts, which had distracted Katrina to no end.

“I have no idea,” she replied, returning his grin. “They’re a source of comfort?” Which is what his company had been on this otherwise dreary Sunday.

He shifted, his arm propped up on the couch. “Yeah, I suppose so.” He was silent as he took in her appearance, then his eyes softened. “I can’t say I don’t know what led me here today. I never could help the pull you have on me.”

“And, what, the pull was broken for ten years?” She asked the question in a teasing tone, one that he picked up on as his grin widened.

“Not even close.”

“You’re here now,” she said, nudging his knee with hers. “That’s what matters.”

“I...” His voice trailed off and he looked away, his gaze falling on the night sky. “I do have to get back.”

“I understand.”

He nodded, his eyes now resting on hers. “Grand reopening next weekend.”

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah. Well, aside from a few finishing touches, but yeah. I’m ready to get Cade’s up and running. Would...will you be there?”

Her smile was radiant, and she felt it down to her soul. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Would know, like to be there...with me?”

“Are you asking me to be your date, Ren?”

She watched as his cheeks flushed a soft pink. “Yeah, I suppose I am.”

“I’d love to.”

They sat there a few moments longer, smiling at one another before he stood and fished his keys out of his pocket. “I can pick you up, if you’d like.”

“Isn’t that out of your way?”

“You’re never out of my way, Trina.”

It was her turn to blush at his words, and she stood to walk him to the door. “I’ll remember that,” she said, and he nodded once, his eyes falling to the floor before he lifted them to peer at her through the shock of bangs that fell across his forehead.

“I’ll see you soon.” He opened the door and smiled at her again. “Thank you for today.”

“Anytime, Ren.”

One more nod, and he walked out the door, shutting it with a soft click behind him. She turned her back to the door, one hand over her heart, her smile beaming.

She had another date with him.

Not just any date, but one to the grand reopening of his bar, this time with his vision in place.

When the door opened with a slight whoosh, it startled her, and she turned quickly, slightly off balance, only to be pulled into Ren’s arms.

And he kissed her.

His lips were soft, coaxing, bringing forth a whimper from her as he pulled away, leaving her breathless.
