Page 111 of Broken

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One corner of his mouth lifted in a satisfied grin.

“Goodnight, Trina.”

And once again, he walked out the door.


Katrina still feltas if she were riding a high the following morning. Her hair cooperated, her makeup was flawless, her coffee just right. When she arrived at work, not only was her spare key waiting for her, letting her know Timothy had gotten her message, but also a fresh bouquet of crazy daisies.

There was only one person those could be from.

The note only said one word.


“Head’s up,” Simone, a coworker on her team, said as she walked past Katrina’s office, “the boss wants to see you.”

“That’s fine.” Katrina smelled the flowers and smiled. Her day was going wonderfully.

“What, did Timothy beg your forgiveness or something?” Simone asked from her place in the doorway.

“They’re not from him.”

“I smell gossip.”

“You know I don’t gossip.”

“I know, I know. Don’t wait around too long before going to see Bradford. He’s in a mood.”

“That’s fine.” Katrina grabbed her cup of coffee and walked the long hallway to the corner office, checking in with his secretary.

“He’ll see you now.”

Katrina smiled and murmured her thanks before walking into Mr. Bradford’s office. Seated to his left, dressed in a white jumpsuit, was none other than Emily Torrence.

“Hello, Emily,” Katrina said to her, a bit surprised to see her there.

“Please have a seat,” was all Emily said in return.

“Ms. Carter,” Mr. Bradford began, “I’m not sure how many office staffers know this, but we have been acquired by Torrence Industries.”

“I wasn’t aware,” Katrina replied.

“While I maintain control of Bradford, I do have higher ups that I answer to. It has been brought to my attention by Ms. Torrence here that you are in breach of contract.”

Katrina’s eyebrows drew closer together. “Pardon?”

“It states here,” Emily spoke up as she pulled papers from her file, “that you would not do marketing work for a competitor until you had been unaffiliated with Bradford for the minimum of a year.”

“And I haven’t,” Katrina stated.

“Ms. Carter,” Mr. Bradford continued, “it has been brought to my attention that you worked on the rebranding project for a bar. Cade’s, I believe the name is.”

“I did a favor for a friend, that’s all.”

“That favor should have been handled through this company, along with any compensation for this endeavor.”

Katrina’s eyes narrowed as she glared at Emily, the once friend who had barged in on her brainstorming session with Judith.
