Page 135 of Broken

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His eyes softened as he looked at her. “Anytime.”

Her stomach dipped as her pulse began racing. Being in such close proximity after what they’d shared the afternoon before was wreaking havoc on her nerves. “Did you get everything done?”

“Just about, yeah.”

“I can meet you there.”

He shifted in his chair and took a sip of his coffee. “Yeah. Yeah, that would be good. The ads seem to be generating interest. We’ve been getting calls about when we were going to reopen.”

“That’s great.”

“So,” Mrs. Carter interrupted them as she arrived at the table with Katrina’s coffee. “Here you go, dear. Your father and I were worried when you took off like that. Lorenzo was explaining how you followed him when he left.”

“Oh,” Katrina said, surprised. “Yeah, I did.”

“Your little girl is such a doll,” Mrs. Carter said to Lorenzo. “She kept gushing about getting her hair braided and seeing you even if it was just a glance. She was rather upset that Emily wouldn’t let her be driven after you, but I suppose that wouldn’t have been a good idea.”

Katrina’s cheeks grew hot and her eyes widened as she looked at Lorenzo, who discreetly shook his head.

He hadn’t told Mrs. Carter everything.

Which was good, because Katrina would have been mortified.

Lorenzo seemed amused at her moment of panic, and she narrowed her eyes in his direction. He only grinned as Mrs. Carter continued speaking.

“My husband is in full agreement. You contact that lawyer and tell him you have the check. I know they’ll have to speak with me before they can accept payment, and that’s fine. You do this, Lorenzo. Go get your daughter.”

Katrina watched as tears filled Lorenzo’s eyes. “I...I’ll find a way to repay you, as quickly as I can.”

“Make sure you’re good and ready to be her father. My husband and I are more than happy to help. We don’t need any more Emilys in this world.”

One tear dropped down his cheek and he hastily wiped it away before reaching over and hugging Katrina’s mother, who gently rubbed her hands on his back.

“You’re a good man, and we’re so proud of you,” Katrina heard her whisper, and tears threatened as Lorenzo let out a light sob.

He’d often told Katrina that he’d wished for parents like hers, a family who would love and accept him, tell him they were proud.

It seemed, even without her, that he’d gotten his wish.


“So I guess I’ll seeyou tonight,” Lorenzo said, his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

Lorenzo and Katrina were saying their goodbyes two hours later out in the driveway that they’d shared many kisses in.

It all seemed so bittersweet, even after the previous afternoon.

“Yes, you will,” she replied, her heart aching as a myriad of emotions swept over his face before he composed himself.

“I’ve got to get to the lawyer’s office, hand them this check.”

“And get your daughter.”

“Yeah,” he said softly with the shuffle of one foot, kicking a stray rock out of the way. “Yeah, I’m going to do this. And I know you’re not okay with it.”

“I never said that.”

“No, I mean...not okay with her. And I get it, okay? I get it. It’s a lot of process. I’m still processing it.”
