Page 161 of Broken

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Katrina shook her head. “Not a clue.”

“Here,” she heard Jase Warner say to Miranda, “let me help you.”

Jase and his wife Talia, along with Jase’s assistant, Jackie, had made the trip in for Katrina and Lorenzo’s birthdays. As Jase and Jackie helped Miranda set up with her new guitar in the middle of the living room, Katrina had the distinct feeling she was about to shed a tear or twelve. The chatter around the room between her parents, her brother and his wife, Martin and Talia, she took in the sight in front of her.

Their family, blood and chosen, had all gathered to celebrate with them.

This day couldn’t be more perfect.

Miranda took in a shaky breath. “Dad, this is for you.”

“You’ve got this,” Jase said softly, and Miranda nodded before she began to play. Katrina recognized the chords from the hours of practice Miranda had put in, but she hadn’t been prepared to hear Miranda’s angelic voice as she began to sing.

Katrina chanced a glance up at Lorenzo, who was losing his battle against keeping his tears at bay. She reached over and took his hand in hers, squeezing, sharing the moment as tears of her own began.

This was Miranda’s first song.

And it was dedicated to her father, to their journey, to the love they shared.

“That was beautiful,” Lorenzo said as she strummed her last chord, and Katrina joined the rest of the partygoers in raucous applause. Justin’s whistle was high pitched and piercing, making Miranda blush.

“Thanks, Dad,” Miranda said as she threw her arms around her father, causing Katrina to tear up even more.

“She worked so hard on that,” Jase commented.

“And that’s what all the secret getting on video calls was about?” Lorenzo asked, and Miranda shrugged.


“Well, I apologize for grounding you.”

“It’s okay; I still found a way to do them.”

Justin’s sudden interest in his surroundings let Katrina know exactly how she’d managed more video calls when she’d been grounded for making them.

“I’m not mad...this time.” Lorenzo grinned in Justin’s direction, causing Justin to shrug.

“Hey, an uncle’s gotta do what an uncle’s gotta do.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lorenzo said in return, then he stopped Katrina from walking away. Miranda was approaching with a box, which she held out for Katrina to take.

“This is for you,” Miranda said softly, her voice barely heard above the excited chatter.

“What’s this?”

“A present...that...that I hope you like.”

Her smile was so like Lorenzo’s.

This girl had captured Katrina’s heart, and she loved Miranda fiercely.

“Ooo another present?” Judith asked, walking over. “Open it! We all want to see.”

“I feel like such a stooge,” Justin commented.

“Yeah, well, I’m special,” Miranda said, and a smattering of laughter was heard as Katrina began to open the box. Within, she found a note and a stack of papers.

You’ve always been my Mom from the beginning. Let’s make it official.
