Page 19 of Broken

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Her stomach took a dive as her brain scrambled with something to say. “So we’re birthday twins.”

And she immediately wanted to kick herself.

“Don’t you mean triplets?”

“No. Justin’s younger. A little less than nine months younger. He was a premie, about a month early. But he’s so smart, it’s almost embarrassing to admit he’s younger than I am.”

Lorenzo’s mouth formed an ‘o’ that he didn’t say before he nodded, showing her that he understood. “I’m not going to ask if it sucks having him in the same grade as you. I can already tell you’re close. You’re lucky, you know.”

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

He shook his head slowly. “Just me.”

Without thinking she took his hand in hers. “Not just you. Not anymore.”

And she didn’t mean Emily.

The smile he gave her stayed in her heart that sang as his fingers entwined with hers.


“No one believed youdidn’t start dating for another year, you know.” Judith smiled before she took a sip of coffee.

“I swear we weren’t.”

“You may as well have been.” Judith shifted in her seat. “So, what happens now?”

“What do you mean?”

“Lorenzo. Timothy. What happens.”

“Oh, shit, Timothy!” Katrina felt guilty as she let go of Lorenzo’s hand to grab her phone. “I’m supposed to have dinner with him tonight, and I can’t. I just can’t.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“What?, it’s not like that. He asked for me, Judith. He specifically told them to contact me, that I was his emergency contact. He needs me.”

“And you’ve always been there for him.”


Judith’s smile was genuine. “I’m not happy that this happened, Trina, I’m really not. No one should ever have to go through what he is right now.”

Katrina began to agree until she thought about Judith’s choice of words.

“What do you mean?”

“You know, the accident.”

“Right, right. I guess I’ll have to wait until he can answer me.”


“About why he was on Willow Creek Road.”

Judith chewed on the inside of her lip before she nodded and took another drink of coffee, which Katrina found odd.

“What are you not telling me, Judith?”
