Page 23 of Broken

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The memory of the eyes that haunted her for years since he’d left.

“Ren,” she breathed as she looked down at him with a soft smile. His face blurred for a moment as tears welled up in her eyes and slowly began to fall.

He frowned slightly as he blinked a couple more times, then his eyes widened with surprise. “Trina?” he managed a raspy whisper.

“I’m here.”


“Because you asked for me.”

“I did?”

Her heart constricted in her chest, the hurt showing in her eyes as she tried to pull away.

But he held her hand tighter.

“And you came?” he added.

“Yeah,” she replied, tears still falling. “I need to get your nurse.”


He’d said the word so quickly it startled her. “For what?”

“Just let me look at you. Please.”

Oh, she remembered those words.

They’d once been whispered against her skin.

He held her hand tightly as his eyes gazed upon her face, his expression one that Katrina couldn’t quite read. Was it regret? She couldn’t tell.


“Just one more minute.”

And as always with him, she couldn’t say no.


After the attendingphysician was finished with his assessment, Katrina reentered Lorenzo’s room. His eyes were once again closed until she sat beside him, then they opened as he turned his gaze upon her. “You’re still here.”

“Of course, I am.” She smiled at him, unable to stop the flurry of butterflies that had taken flight in her stomach.
