Page 69 of Broken

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Once the door clicked shut, Katrina’s tears began to flow.

“No, no, no.” Judith grabbed a tissue and handed it to her. “I don’t do tears. I don’t know what to say, other than it’s absolute bullshit.”

“Why else would he come back, though?” Katrina sniffled as she shuffled over to her couch where she sunk down. “She found him. He came back for her.”

“Oh come on, she couldn’t stand him.”

“She couldn’t stand him with me, and now I know why.”

“No. No, you don’t. Damn it, where is my husband? Um... here.” Judith sat beside Katrina and put her hand on the sobbing girl’s back, which only caused Katrina to cry harder. “See? I suck at this. But I’m telling you, she’s lying.”

“That’s just it,” Katrina said through her tears. “I don’t think she is.”


It shouldn’t matter.

That’s what Katrina told herself as her tears continued to flow.

It shouldn’t matter that Ren cheated on her. It was over 10 years ago.

But the pain overtook her, holding her heart in a vice grip as if it were just yesterday. Her shoulders wracked with sobs, and she was inconsolable even though Judith was trying in her own way.

“I really don’t know what to say,” Judith continued. “Other than it’s bullshit. It has to be. There’s no way he was hooking up with Emily, behind closed doors or not.”

“My heart tells me it’s true.” Katrina sniffled, accepting another tissue from Judith as she did so. “My heart tells me that is why he has avoided telling me the truth. Telling me anything.”

Judith’s silence after her rant only increased the pain in her heart. She was searching her brain trying to come up with another reason for his silence, but the truth was staring her in the face.

He had cheated on her.

Making their last night together meaningless even with his whispered words of love, of devotion, of swearing that they, together, were what it was supposed to be like.

Was he comparing her to Emily?

“Caught the pizza guy on the way in.” Justin walked through the door with pizzas in one hand and a 12 pack of beer under his other. “Tipped him well, too, and...holy shit, what happened?”

He’d put his provisions down and rushed to his sister’s side, the way he always did.

The way he had the first time Lorenzo broke her heart.

Justin knelt in front of Katrina, gathering her into his arms. “What happened?” he asked softly, but she found she couldn’t speak.

The words wouldn’t come.
