Page 80 of Broken

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“Do you want to watch a movie?” She’d asked the question quickly, her heart pounding, not wanting him to leave.

Not wanting to risk him walking out of her life again.

Not wanting another phone call about an accident.

She watched a myriad of emotions play across his face. “Yeah,” he breathed. “I’d like that.”

Relief flooded her body, made it easier for her to breathe. “Here.” She used her remotes to pull up what she knew was his all-time favorite movie, or at least it had been.

“Singles!” he exclaimed, his smile infectious. “I haven’t seen this movie in forever.”

“I watched it just the other night.”

“We don’t have to—”

“I want to.”

“Thank you, Trina.”

“It’s just a movie.”

“No, for...for tonight. For not...for not being repulsed by me.”

She turned towards him, her eyes wide, her heart pounding uncomfortably. “I could never be repulsed by you, Ren.”

“You’re still the only one who calls me that, you know. Most everyone else just calls me Cade.”

She smiled at his statement, noting the abrupt change in subject. “You’re always Ren to me.”

“Even after all this time?”

“Don’t make me quote Harry Potter.”

His laughter rang throughout her home as the opening credits came up. He held his beer out and she tapped her bottle to his.

“To forgiveness?” he asked, his eyes hopeful.

“To forgiveness.”


Justin’s mouth hungopen as he processed the news that Katrina gave him and Judith the next morning over coffee and bagels. Katrina sat stoically in her seat, her hands folded in front of her, waiting for their reactions.

They now knew Miranda was Lorenzo’s child.
