Page 81 of Broken

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That was the extent of what they knew.

“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Justin finally said, throwing his napkin on the table as he stood. Katrina put out a hand to stop him.

“That’s not the whole story, Justin.” How she kept her composure was beyond her comprehension, but it was as if she’d compartmentalized his trauma along with her own.

Justin’s brows furrowed. “He was screwing old lady Torrence. Okay, so she wasn’t that old, but she was, what? Twenty-five? And all that time he was supposed to be with you. No, Trina. He doesn’t get a pass on this.”

“Justin, please.’s complicated.” She wasn’t sure if Lorenzo wanted the rest of the story out there or not, and it was his story to tell. “He’ll tell you when he’s ready, okay? This is’s important. Judith, I know your mom’s an attorney.”

“I don’t know how much of parental rights she knows, but yes.”

“Can you ask her? Please?”

“Did she drug him?” Judith asked, her eyes wide, and Katrina shook her head. “Did she...” Her voice trailed off as tears sprung into Katrina’s eyes. “Oh, god.”

“Oh god what? What did I miss?” Justin sat down again, his eyes on his sister. “Why do you look like Niagara Falls is about to come pouring down your face? Either you tell me, or I’ll beat it out of him.”

“Justin, stop.” Judith placed her hand over his and squeezed. Justin seemed confused for a moment, then his own eyes widened as the truth sunk in.

That woman had used coercion, had set her sites on a young teenage boy who she was supposed to care for, to provide for, to give a safe haven to.

“Don’t ask me for details,” Katrina said as she picked up her coffee cup. “They’re not mine to tell. He just asked that I let you two know about Miranda.”

“And to check if my mother would take his case,” Judith added, and Katrina inhaled deeply.


“She’s going to have a lot of questions for him, ones he needs to be able to answer.”

“Why isn’t he here today?” Justin asked, still frowning. “Why is this coming from you?”

“He’s...” Katrina sat up a little straighter. “He’s having a hard time with me knowing, with having to relive pieces of his past he’d rather forget.”

“What about that little girl?” Judith asked. “No, wait. We don’t need another Emily running around. Yeah, he should look into custody. Or at the very least visitation. He’s going to have to provide proof of a stable environment, you know.”

Katrina nodded. “I know.”

“And it might not look great knowing he owns and runs a bar.”

“But we’re going to make that place better.”

Judith’s smile was tight, but it was there. “Yes, we are.”

“How are you?” Justin leaned forward, his eyes locked with his sister’s.

“I’m...” Heartbroken. Shattered.


“I’m doing much better than he is at the moment,” she finally said.

“How did we not see?” Judith asked. “He was so...well, he was quiet, sullen, and an asshole. So, yeah, I guess it was right there in front of us. Except when he was with you,” Judith added, looking at Katrina. “Then he was normal. Just a guy who had you wrapped. Trina?”


“I wouldn’t go getting wrapped up in him again if I were you. Not now.”

“He needs me, Judith. Truth is, I think he needs all of us. I’m going to be there for him. Are you?”
