Page 33 of Taming the Boss

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Of course, I valued myself but I can’t help myself. My libido is out of whack; I can get horny at any time. I just decided to use my drive to fuel my dreams. Was that so wrong?

“And now look at me,” I stared at my fingers soaked in my juices, “Lusting after an innocent boy.”

I was pathetic. My fingers slid into me as I masturbated while thinking about Nick. I was never able to cum.


I went downstairs while thinking about what had happened.

“Oi, the man lost in thought over there!”

Alyson waved at me, “Help please.”

“Oh, hey what do you need help with?” I said as I walked over to her.

“The prints just arrived,” she pointed at two cartons.

“Oh! For Loid’s campaign rally this weekend,” I said as I opened one of them and picked up a poster, “Nicely done.”

“Stop admiring and get carrying,” she said as she lifted one of them and took it into the studio. I followed suit and dropped the carton where I was told.

“Thanks,” Alyson said as she sat on the floor.

“Don’t mention,” I said.

“So, what’s on your mind?” She asked.

“Oh, nothing just work stuff,” I lied and started to leave, “I’ll be going now.”

“You had sex with Aria, didn’t you?” she said.

I flinched and turned to her.

“Bingo,” she smiled.

“How did you know?”

She shrugged and crossed her legs, “A hunch.”

I raised a brow.

“Fine. I overheard you two yesterday. Well, not exactly overheardbut,” she adjusted herself, “There I was, walking over to Aria’s office to give her some information, and imagine my shock to see our boss being impaled on your… Wait, what’s with your size? Did you fall into a radioactive vat or you took one of those dick enlargement pills on porn ads?”

“They’re natural mind you,” I was flustered, “And are you supposed to say that? You’re a lady.”

“Oh, pish posh, pay it no mind, I wasn’t able to see it properly either so my eyes were probably tricking me,” she sighed.

“Alyson, what kind of person is Aria Wolfe?” I asked.

“Why’d you ask?”

“I heard a rumor that she’s slept with everyone here, I just want to know if it’s a baseless rumor,” I said.

“Well you do know most rumors are based on actual events or facts right?” she asked.

I felt like I had heard that a lot recently.

“So, it’s true?”
