Page 34 of Taming the Boss

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“Well, yes but not everyone has slept with her,” Alyson replied, “Aria is quite selective, so she settles with Michael most of the time.”

“Why does she do that though?” I asked.

“That’s because Aria is a Nymphomaniac,” she said.


“She has sex purely for pleasure and nothing else,” She continued, “She doesn’t feel loveshe only feels and feeds on lust.”

“I’m… I see,” I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me.

“She had three personal assistants this year, they all left due to her sexual urges,” Alyson said, “The name Wolfe suits her, almost like the animal. Once she sinks her fangs, she continues until there was nothing left.”

“I wonder what made her that way,” I said.


“I don’t think she was always like that, maybe something happened that turned her into that,” I explained.

“Well, obviously she wasn’t like that. No one is ever born that way. An event triggered it and with time, this became her nature; the nature of Aria Wolfe, 20-year-old and soon-to-be billionaire,” she nodded at the end.

She had a point, but what could the trigger have been? I could only guess, unless Aria said what happened, none of us would know.

“Nick,” Alyson called, “Try not to invest all your emotions into Aria. So, you don’t get hurt.”

“Thanks, Alyson,” I said, “And thank you for listening.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, “Well… I’d like to ask for a favor.”

“Sure, if it’s within my power,” I replied.

“Well I didn’t mention this earlier but I also saw the photos you took of Aria when you returned the camera that day,” she said.

“Oh, uh…”

“The favor is simple; could you also take my pictures?” she asked in a way that wasn’t needing ‘No’ for an answer.

I was with my camera so I took it out, “Sure, why not.”

She bit her lower lip and leaned backwards on her arms for support.

Did I mention what she was wearing? A simple white t-shirt and a pinafore jean skirt and sneakers. She laid her right leg down but left her other leg the way it was. The posture revealed her yellow panties.

“I can see your…” I started to say but the smile on her face made me realize it was intentional. I took the picture.

She knelt down and lifted the skirt up but this time her panties didn’t show. Her ebony thighs were alluring. Her next pose was the doggy-style position. She lifted the skirt and her rear was in full display. Yellow was a good color for her.

She took off the pinafore and was only in her panties and the T-shirt which judging by how freely her breasts jiggled and the tips pushing forward, it was evident she didn’t wear a bra. My hand pressed down on the shutter rapidly as she slowly took off the shirt.

Her breasts were bigger compared to Aria’s and her areolas darker than the rest of her skin, were decorated with nipples of the same color. Her hands slid down her body and I noticed the teddy bear logo on her panties. It gave her a childish feel.

She tugged on the panties causing it to dig into her pussy, revealing her labia. The flashlight from the camera illuminated her properly and it felt like I was staring at a seductress.

If Aria was a hunter who charged in head first, then Alyson was a trap user who lured you in before going for the kill. She laid on her back and shifted her underwear to the side,

“Come, Nick.”

I moved in closer and took a picture of her pussy. The liquid which flowed from her glistened from the flashlight.

“One more…” she whispered as she spread her pussy open. Her vagina opened a little too. I took a picture and found myself leaning closer and closer to it.

As if by instinct my tongue came out and engaged with her lower lips.

“Mmmm… there you go,” she moaned softly.
