Page 42 of Taming the Boss

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fact he has a nice cock,” she replied.

“Hmm, you might be right,” I said.

“Huh? Why are you agreeing with her?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, why?” Alyson looked confused as well.

“If I think about it carefully, he does have a nice cock,” I said, “However, he just

you know… makes me feel comfortable. I enjoy watching him work, listening to him or

seeing the pictures he takes. And he said one thing to me that kind of sealed the deal.” “What?” they both asked.

“He asked me how I rose so fast in the business, and I said I slept my way to the

top,” I replied, “His answer?‘Please value yourself more’”

They were both quiet.

“Man… you got me there,” Alyson sighed, “Truth be told I had sex with Nick


“You what?” Michael turned.

“Yeah, and well, I just knew I wasn’t what he wanted,” she said, “I don’t know how

to explain it, it wasalmost like he wasn’t really truly interested in me as a person but just

my body.”

“Why are you telling me though?” I asked.

“Because I’m going to make him focus on only me,” she said with confidence, “You should do the same if you can.”

“Is that a challenge?” I asked.

“Might as well be,” she replied.

I laughed, “Very well then you little fox, I’ll take you up on that.”

“You two are something else,” Michael sighed, “Where is Nick anyway? “Now that you mention it, he isn’t here yet,” I said.


“I can’t believe I overslept,” I said as I hurriedly put on some clothes, “And where

the hell is Hunter?!”

When I woke up he wasn’t in the apartment. As I was about leaving and noticed

that he had left me something to eat along with a note;

Good morning sleeping beauty,

Would’ve woken you up but you looked so peaceful.

I’ll be home later than usual today, so feel free to do whatever for dinner. Love–
