Page 43 of Taming the Boss

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What was he? my mom?

After eating breakfast, I bolted out of the house and headed to the office. The taxi I boarded broke down and the office was just a 10-minute walk away. I was late anyway so I decided to walk.

“You,” a woman called to me.

I looked around before pointing to myself and she nodded.

“Good morning uh… ma’am,” I was a little confused on how to address her because she looked quite young. Short blonde hair, dark brown eyes, a lean but good body, you could tell she was mature.

“Ma’am? I look that old?” She sounded a bit down as she touched her face.

“Ah, no, no, no, Miss.” I was flustered, “It’s just you give off a mature vibe and you look young and you’re pretty so I assumed you were older. I’m sorry.”

She laughed and covered her mouth. “A handsome boy called me Miss. My, my, how precious.”

For some odd reason this woman smelt like trouble. Also, I felt like I had seen her somewhere.

“Uh, you called me over, did you need help with something?” I asked.

“Hmm? Oh yes, this might seem strange to ask but,” she said as she got on her toes to lean close to my face, “Do I know you from somewhere?”

“I don’t think so ma’am,” I said as I looked away, she was too close.

“Hmm, oh well my mistake then,” she shrugged as she looked around, “Say I’m looking for a building called ‘Wolf Pack.’ Do you know where it is?”

“Oh, I work there and currently heading there now,” I said, “If you don’t mind I can take you there.”

“You will? What a gentleman,” she nodded, “Can I hold your arm?”

“Eh? Why?” I asked moving back a little.

“I sort of twisted my ankle,” she said, “And you wouldn’t want a frail defenseless customer to limp all the way to your company building now would you?"

Damn this woman was a pain.

“Alright, miss,” I sighed as I offered her my arm.

“Thank you,” she giggled as she held my arm.

“You didn’t twist your ankle did you.”

“How mean, of course I did,” she said and snuggled with my arm, “By the way I’m not letting go until we get there.”

Yeah, definitely a pain.

We walked down in quiet for a few minutes, but I could feel her gazing at me all the way.

“Umm, is there something on my face,” I chuckled nervously.

“You’re beautiful,” she said in response.

“Oh, I, thank you,” I looked away but I could feel like she didn’t.

“Are you sure we haven’t met before?” she asked.

“To be honest I also think I have met you somewhere before but I’m not really sure,” I replied.
