Page 6 of Taming the Boss

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"You know, sometimes I wonder how she still manages to get the job done," Alyson said as I stepped out of Aria's office.

"What do you want Alyson?" I asked.

"The situation for the internship program? Wanted to know if you've selected any," she replied.

"I'm on it," I replied as I started heading to my office corner. The one I shared with the design team.

"Doesn't sound like the only thing you're on," she mumbled. I ignored her. Besides Aria, Alyson was the only female member the team had. Oh, wait, no we actually have three women, but the third is more of the field type.

I'd admit, I do enjoy my little recharge moments with the Wolf Pack's Alpha, I still worry about her urges. I mean we've been lucky so far but she could be easily blackmailed. Besides Alyson, the team members don't seem to be having problems with Aria.

Why would they?

You get to have sex with an intelligent, feisty woman who also happens to be your boss. I mean it's a win-win.

I worried about the internship program coming up. My fear was that the alpha might want some new blood. Speaking of which, I wondered about the assistant situation.

Her urges were a little out of control. I mean James complained about it, the assistant before him and the assistant before the assistant.

Oh, well I decided not to bother myself about it and focus on the internship matter at hand. It was our first time doing this so I wanted it to be as perfect as possible.

I checked the list of applicants and settled on a Nick Parker. He didn't have a passport attached but he showed promise. I wrote him a mail and asked that he show up as soon as possible.

I called for Alyson and informed her about our decision.


No doubt about it I was lost.

I looked at the building sign and it read, 'The Wolf Pack' and its symbol was two wolves. I wasn't sure if this was the design company I was looking for but I knew it had a funny name.

"Excuse me ladies," I called to two ladies passing by, "Is this the only design company around."

They both looked at each other and one of them shoved the other. The one who was shoved looked at her feet, "Uh, yeah I think so."

This again?

For some odd reason girls couldn't look at my face.

"Alright, thank you," I smiled and they left.

"Oh, my god he's so hot," one of them said.

"His girlfriend must be so lucky," the other replied.

"I'm sorry but I don't have a girlfriend," I sighed but they weren't nearby anymore,

"Haven't dated anyone either."

This wasn't the time to get bothered about the past.

I readied my portfolio and my camera bag, and with a big smile, I walked in.

There was an ebony-skinned lady at the front desk. Curly hair and wore glasses that suited her face and frame. She looked playful.

"Welcome to The Wolf Pack, how may I…" she looked at me and paused then took off her glasses, "Well, hello."
