Page 9 of Taming the Boss

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"That's amazing," I praised, then turned my attention to the pictures, "Which ones

are yours?"

She pointed out to them and I was really impressed.

One picture stood out, however.

It was a young woman with blue eyes which didn't seem to match her brunette hair.

One could tell she was beautiful despite the flaws in her eyes and hair.

"I love this one," I pointed at it.

She looked at the picture I had pointed at and her facial expression went sour. "Oh, of course," she smiled. It was obviously a fake one.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" I asked.

"Well, you can say I'm not fond of the person in the picture," she focused her

attention on her laptop, "If you're going to be working here you need to be careful." "What? Why?"

She looked at the door, "Looks like you're about to find out."

I turned my attention to the door and a lady walked in.

She wore high-waist checked trousers in dark colors, and a plain white tucked in

dress shirt. Her hair was bouncing in slow motion and her eyes so blue it seemed to

resemble the sky.

As she entered, Alyson offered her a good morning which she returned politely. Then the lady looked at me.

Her eyes froze me in place. Unlike other women who sized me up with their eyes,

this woman… seemed to taunt me with them. With every second we maintained eye contact, I could feel her exploring my innermost thoughts. Also, call me crazy but I could

swear she was undressing me.

"Good morning," she started, "how are you?"

I swallowed hard, my mouth was already dry as is, "Go-... ahem... Good morning." "Don't worry it happens all the time," she said with a light chuckle, "What's your

name? And how may we help?"

"I'm Nick Parker," I answered.

"Nick?" She looked like she was scanning her memory bank.

"He's the new intern I told you about yesterday," Alyson said.

"Oh, that's good," the lady said then turned to me, "That's very good." "Thank you," I looked at my feet... ah it was no use… staring into her eyes would

kill me. Is this what all those girls felt like when I made eye contact with them? Is this why

they always looked away or down? Is this what staring at beauty felt like? "So, Nick, do you think you're the right fit for this place?" She asked. This was my chance, I could finally come clean and clear up the misunderstanding. "Ah… I'm not really…" I started.
