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After wandering down the beach for a while, we head into a trendy bar and Ollie orders us a couple of cocktails at the bar. I take in a deep inhale of the ocean air as I look around with a smile on my face. A pretty good band is playing covers of fun summer songs and I just get this inexplicable feeling that everything is perfect. For a moment at least.

“Let me pay for them,” I say as the bartender gives us the drinks. I try to pull out my wallet, but Ollie’s big hand stops me.

“I got it. It’s my pleasure.”

I thank him and don’t fight him too much because in a few weeks, I’ll be broke.

“I’m sorry to hear about your mom,” he says with a sad look.

I can feel the familiar tingling of tears behind my eyes as I look at him. “Thank you,” I say, not wanting to get into it. I want to enjoy the night with him, not turn into a crying wreck.

“I haven’t heard about your father,” I say as I take a sip of the delicious fruity drink. “Is he in your life?”

“Yeah,” he says with a nod. “In his own way. He lives in Chicago, but I’ve always been closer with my mom.”

Silence hangs between us as we enjoy the fun atmosphere of the bar.

An obnoxious-looking guy in a pale pink collared shirt comes to the bar and pushes in the little gap between me and Ollie. He tries to flag down the bartender who’s busy with another customer.

“They always ignore guys even though we’re the ones with the money,” he says to me with a weaselish laugh. “I’m Sean Miller.”

He offers his hand that looks like it will be super sweaty. My nose turns up.

“I’m an executive of a medium-sized bank.”

He tosses that out there like I’m suddenly going to start swooning all over him.

“What’s your name, pretty lady?”

Ollie suddenly stands up, towering over the guy. He slaps a big hand on Sean’s pink shoulder and from the whimper that squeaks out of Sean, it appears that he’s squeezing it hard.

“How about you go somewhere else to get your drink?” Ollie says in a low warning voice. “Now.”

Sean doesn’t take a hint well. He turns around and has to tilt his head back to look into my protective stepbrother’s grey eyes.

“This is a free country. I want to talk to this pretty girl some more.”

Ollie gets right into Sean’s face. “Free country, huh?”

Sean gulps. “Yeah.”

“That means I’m free to beat your ass in front of all these people for bugging my girl?”

Sean steps back from the hulking beast, but he bumps right into me and spills my drink on my leg.

Ollie has his hand around his neck before I can reach over and grab a napkin. It’s so quick that hardly anyone notices. Ollie squeezes his throat in warning as he hisses in his face. “Get the fuck out of here. Not just this bar. This town. Leave it. Now. If I see you in the Hamptons again this summer, I’m going to swim you out to the middle of the ocean and feed you to a fucking shark.”

Sean suddenly realizes that he’s got somewhere else to be and quickly leaves the bar once Ollie lets him go.

“Sorry about that,” he says as he grabs a bunch of napkins and starts wiping the drink off my thigh.

My pussy starts pulsing in heat at having his hand so close. At the warmth of it. At the strength of it.

I’m shaken and flustered by the time he’s got me all cleaned up. It’s not from the creep or from the throat grab, it’s from knowing that my stepbrother can cause such an intense reaction in me. This is so twisted. What would my dad think if he knew what was going through his innocent daughter’s filthy mind?

This was a bad idea. We should have stayed with our parents where things can’t get out of hand.

That would have been smart.

That would have been safe.

There’s no telling what’s going to happen tonight since it’s just the two of us.

I’m both terrified and excited to find out…



* * *

“Who is that?” my friend Naomi asks as she eyes Ollie up and down.

We’re in a packed bar that’s full of New Yorkers escaping the heat of the city only to cram themselves into a sweltering nightclub. We both ran into friends. Ollie is talking to a guy from school and I’m talking to a girl I know from around. She’s best friends with one of my coworkers. Ex-coworkers as of last Friday.

“That’s my new stepbrother,” I tell her as my cheeks start to blush a little. He turns and looks at me with a possessive look like he’s worried that one of the men hanging around is going to come over and talk to me or something. I’ve noticed that he’s very territorial when it comes to me, always looking to see where I am, what I’m doing, who I’m talking to. That would normally be a turnoff, but with him… I don’t know. With him, I like it. It makes me feel safe. Wanted. Cherished.
