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He got some sun today, so his grey eyes are shining with the color in his face and he looks extra handsome with his hair styled to the side.

“You look beautiful,” Debra says. I thank her and tell her she looks great too in her stylish white dress.

“We all look great,” my father says in his matter-of-fact lets-get-the-show-on-the-road dad voice. “Now, let’s get in the car and go before we lose out on the reservation.”

We follow him out to the driveway, but Ollie takes my arm when I head for the backseat.

“We’re not going in there,” he whispers.

“What are we going in?”

He looks at the red motorcycle and my heart picks up its pace, which is saying a lot since it was already going at a fast clip with Ollie around.

“I’m going to take my new step-sis on the bike,” he says to our parents. “Becca was telling me earlier that she’s never been on a motorcycle and is excited to try it.”

“You’re taking her now?” Debra asks with a scoff. “The girl looks perfect. You’re going to mess up her hair with that helmet.”

“I don’t mind,” I say as I grab the helmet that Ollie is offering. “We’ll meet you at the restaurant.”

The time is too dangerously close to the reservation for my father to argue. “Fine,” he grunts as he gets into the driver’s seat. “Let’s just go before we lose our reservation.”

Debra gets in the car and she barely has the door closed before my dad peels down the driveway. Wow. He must really be in the mood for lobster.

“What do I do?” I ask as Ollie gets on the bike and starts the engine.

He turns to me with one of those delicious grins that I’m starting to find incredibly addictive. “Hop on and don’t let go.”

My heart is racing as I climb on the bike behind him. It’s rumbling between my legs and sending heated vibrations shooting up my body. But the feeling of having my arms wrapped around Ollie’s large muscular frame is the really exciting part. I slide my hands onto his hard stomach, feeling ab after ab as my pussy throbs in approval.

“Ready?” he asks.

I gulp. “I’m ready.”

He turns the throttle and the bike takes off, rolling down the driveway after my father who is already gone from view.

I’m ready for the ride, but I’m not sure if I’m ready for this.

For him.

What exactly am I doing here? Wearing a sexy dress? Getting turned on by touching him? Sneaking away from my parents to spend a night on the town with this man?

This is all so wrong.

He’s my freaking stepbrother and all I can think about is getting him alone and seeing just how big that bulge really is. I’m going straight to hell.

By the time we split away from my parents and head into town, I’m really questioning my sanity. What the hell am I doing? This is such a bad idea.

I’ve made up my mind that once we park, I’ll tell Ollie to take us to the restaurant and we’ll eat dinner with our parents. No sneaking around. No night on the town. No moral grey areas for us. No, thank you.

But as soon as I’m off the bike and Ollie pulls that helmet off his beautiful head, I’m thinking that maybe I’m not in the mood for lobster.

“Should we start with drinks?” he asks as he runs a hand through his hair, smoothing it out.

It takes me a second to answer. Those arms are unbelievable and they always get my head a little screwy whenever he’s showing them off.

“I could use a drink,” I say.

He offers me his big bicep and I wrap my arm around it as my body tingles. I’ve never felt muscles like this before—so round and hard. I’ve seen them in Marvel movies, but never a few inches from my face and definitely never under my fingertips. They’re even better than I thought they’d be.

“Should we text our parents?” I ask as I pull out my phone.

“Let me handle it,” Ollie says as he pulls out his. He reads it to me as he types. “We’re going to leave you two lovebirds to a romantic meal. We’ll catch up tomorrow for dinner instead. Meanwhile, I’m going to get to know my new stepsister…”

His mom sends a thumbs-up back. The way those two are in love, I can’t see them being upset at having a night to themselves.

We chat as we walk down the fun street with all of the rich beautiful New York tourists. Normally, I’d feel out of place here, but people keep turning around to look at us. It kinda feels like we fit right in.

“Check this out,” Ollie says as he brings me along the beach where there’s a sand sculpting competition going on. They’re amazing. I’m in awe at a mermaid sculpture that’s larger than a pickup truck. Ollie takes a picture of a sand sculpture of a knight fighting a fire-breathing dragon. It’s impressive, but I can’t stop my eyes from wandering back to him as he points out all of the fine details.
