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I grin. “Well, it could be worse. He could be fat and hairy.”

She nods in agreement. “Well, at least I get some nice eye candy while being trapped in my own home.”

“I’m sorry again. I know this isn’t the best situation to be in.”

She steps forward, taking my hand and squeezing. “Like I said last night, you didn’t get a choice. These men were coming after you either way. I’m kind of glad it was Jagger’s boys and not the other ones. From what you have said anyway ...”

I purse my lips in a frown. “By the sounds of it, we never want to meet Manchez and anyone in his gang.”

“Well, I guess we should be grateful then. Have you seen Captain Cranky this morning, or are you two still fighting?”

I laugh at her choice of words. “No.”

“Nice of him to enjoy your bed.” She raises her brows, giving me a pointed look.

“Yeah, well, I did leave him there.”

“Are you ready to tell me why?”

“Jagger and I aren’t meant to be, Ava. It’s dangerous, and it isn’t real, it’s making me crazy.”

“What makes you think that?”

“I’m worried my feelings are toxic and created from a situation that was no good for me, or him, or anyone else. No way a genuine feeling can come from that.”

“You think you have that Stockholm thing your therapist mentioned?”

“I think so.”

“Well, it could be that, but I will admit, as much as it kills me to, he does look at you in this way ...”

“Way?” I ask.

“Yeah, like you do something to him. Stir something deep inside his soul. It’s quite intense.”

“That doesn’t mean it’s real,” I say, even though her words stir something inside me.

“It doesn’t mean it isn’t, either.”

I give her a narrow-eyed look. “I thought you hated Jagger?”

“Oh, I do. Trust me. But you’re my best friend, and I’m always going to be honest with you. Even if I don’t like what I have to say.”

I give her a truly grateful smile.

“Anyway, enough encouraging for the day. Go and kick that fine ass out of your bed and let’s get some ground rules laid down.”


She grins. “Rules.”

With a laugh, I saunter off down the hall. When I get into my room, Jagger is just stepping out of the shower, butt naked. I gasp and cover my eyes, an automatic reaction and one made with little thought. I feel stupid the second I do it, because it only makes me feel that much more child-like inside.

“Did you seriously just cover your eyes? Fuck, Willow, are we really goin’ to behave like this?”

“No,” I say, slamming my hands to my sides, trying not to stare at his perfect naked body.

God damn.

I hate how much I want him.

I glance at his face and see he’s angry, his mouth a tight line, his eyes heavy and narrowed.

“I’m goin’ out,” he snaps, pulling on a pair of jeans and yanking on a black shirt.

Yep. Angry.

“Jagger ...”

He spins around and glares at me. “Do not fuck with me, Willow. You either want this or you don’t, but don’t you play with me the way you did last night. Do you fuckin’ understand me? Get your shit together, and if you can’t, stay the fuck away from me.”

I stare wide-eyed and watch as he leaves the room, slamming the door so hard the wall shudders. God dammit. This is going from bad to worse.

I shower and get ready for the day, then head back out to the kitchen, but Jagger’s gone. Angel is sitting on the couch staring at Jenny and Ava in the kitchen. Well, this is awkward.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, glancing at them all.

“Fine,” Angel says, flashing me a grin.

I’ve never really seen Angel smile, or Ace for that matter. Both men keep to themselves most of the time, barely speaking unless Jagger specifically asks them to. I wonder what they’re like, outside of all of this. What are their lives like? Do they have a family? Or is this all they are?

“Why do they have to stare at us?” Jenny whispers in my ear as she brushes past me.

I smile and huff lightly. “Well, you are gorgeous.”

“Seriously, I’m going to go crazy by the end of this. If Ace keeps looking at me like I’m a piece of meat, I might punch him.”

“Admit it,” I say, pouring a coffee, “you love it.”

She shoves me, but I catch her shy grin. Ava laughs and walks out of the kitchen with a book and a coffee. It’s her morning tradition. She sits outside on her old, ragged chair and reads with a coffee in hand. It’s her quiet time. I finish up my coffee and do some chores around the house, mostly to take my mind off wondering where Jagger went and feeling guilty that he’s so angry at me.
