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“It’s not what you think,” I say, shaking my head and turning towards him.


I stand and pull on my clothes. I’m not doing this now. No.

“My mother only gave it to me today. I didn’t know what it was,” I say as I do up my pants.

“You’re a god damned liar,” he barks, standing and using a towel to swipe at the semen on his stomach.

“I didn’t lie to you, Jagger. I just didn’t tell you,” I mutter.

“Do you know what could have happened to you tonight if Manchez had gotten hold of you? Do you have any fuckin’ idea how close you came to losing your life?”

“I know!” I scream, throwing my hands up.

“No, you don’t fuckin’ know. I could have avoided all that if you had told me about that fuckin’ note.”

“Oh, what a load of crap. The note changes nothing,” I growl. “Manchez still would have done what he did tonight.”

“You don’t fuckin’ trust me. I have wasted my time and effort trying to make you see I’m not the bad guy in all this. What information do you have that your father is talking about? Tell me. Tell me what the fuck you’re hiding!”

“I’m hiding nothing!” I bellow, hot tears threatening to burst free.

“Stop lying!”

I reach down and take my bag, hurling it over my shoulder. How dare he. His eyes are like fire, and he’s glaring at me with such anger it makes me sick to my stomach.

“You stole me Jagger,” I seethe, voice trembling. “You fucking stole me and upended my life. None of this was on me and I never wanted a god damned thing to do with it.”

He storms over, and I wearily take a few steps back, hands going out in front of me.

“You’re still holdin’ onto the fact that I took you. Ever thought that I did you a fuckin’ favor?”

“Because you wanted the information, too. Don’t you pretend it had anything to do with protecting me.”

“It didn’t, but it came to be the only thing that mattered,” he rasps, frustration in his tone.

“I don’t fucking matter to you...”

“We are still doing this. You just can’t let it go, can you? You just refuse to believe I care. You lied to me, you kept information that you know could have helped. You did that because you don’t trust me.”

“I barely had a chance to look at it. God damn. Fuck you, Jagger,” I yell so loudly my throat hurts.

Angel busts into the room and doesn’t seem to notice or care that Jagger is butt naked.

“You two need to stop,” he hisses, “we can hear you a mile away!”

“Oh. We’re stopping,” I say, turning and walking towards the door.

“You do not fucking leave,” Jagger warns.

I have a moment to get out the front door and run before he gets his jeans on. I need to get out of here. I can’t deal with this right now. I rush out the front door, and flag down a taxi. Thankfully, one stops right away. I leap in and tell him to take me as far away from this hotel as possible. He drives away just as Jagger comes running out the door. My phone begins ringing almost instantly. I ignore it. Screw him. Screw all of this.

He wants to treat me like a god damned dog, fine.

I’ll leave.

I turn my phone on silent and notice the messages flashing on the screen over and over.

Jagger: Get the fuck back here. It’s dangerous. Do you have any idea the danger you just put yourself in?

Ava: Where are you? Please come back. Jagger is beside himself. He is going crazy. He said Manchez could get hold of you. Swallow your pride and come back, please?

Jagger: Fucking answer the damned phone.

I swallow back my tears and switch the phone off. I need to find a payphone. I want answers and I want them now. I’m sick of living under this constant shadow of fear. It’s not fair. I tell the taxi driver to take me to a payphone and he stops about twenty minutes down the road. I get out and then pay him. Then, I go to the phone. I’m not using my cell for this. I’m using a phone that can’t be traced back. I pull my father’s note from my bag and dial the number.


How does he know it’s me?

“How did you know it was me?” I ask, voice shaky.

“You’re the only person I gave this number to,” he explains, and his familiar voice puts a pang of pain into my chest. I hate that he’s done this to me. To us.

“What do you want?”

“We need to talk. Where can we meet?”

“You really think I’m going to trust you?” I laugh, bitterly.

“I’m not out to hurt you. You’re my daughter. I have done wrong, Willow, but I’m not going to do anything to endanger you.”
