Page 112 of Beyond the Horizon

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“I love you, Malakai Azaiah Dunbar.”

“And I love you, Connie Silva, my Little Siren.”

Cupping my face, Malakai kisses me softly, his tongue tangling with my own, his beautiful words filling me up with so much love I’m bursting at the seams with happiness. He worships me with his words, with his touch, with his tongue. Right now he’s loving me.He loves me.

I knew he did, but hearing the words are a balm to my soul, they make me soar high, they make me shine and sparkle just like the moon cresting above us both now.

In this moment, I understand that nothing in life is certain.

We can’t see what’s coming any more than we can help who we fall in love with. I’m under no illusions that our future will be straightforward or easy, but we will work through whatever comes our way. Together.

As we kiss and kiss and kiss, our tongues stroking, our hands touching, our hearts pounding and our souls soaring, I know one thing to be true above all else: I will love this man forever.

I will love him in life, in death, for all eternity.

This is our love story for however long it lasts.
