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“And where does that leave me?” she shouts, her voice cracking. “Carter is dead and Tales is mine.” Her gaze flicks back to me now and the anguish in her eyes almost floors me. “It’s too late for me to choose. They’ll walk all over me if Idon’tdo this. You know that.”

“No one would dare fuck with you, not withmybacking, Grim,” the King interjects. “I have a reputation enough for the both of us.”

“And what makes you think I want your backing, huh? This ismyclub now,” she snaps.

“Well, see, that’s where things get a little complicated,” the King says, and my fucking stomach bottoms out because I know why that is. Carter well and truly fucked the gravy train on this one.

“What do you mean?” she asks, the gun moving from my chest back to the King’s.

“In order to get my backing, your father signed over a percentage of Tales to me. I now own a forty-eight percent share in the club, and that will remain in place for as long as it is profitable for the both of us or you’re able to raise two million pounds to buy me out.”

“Two million pounds? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”

“Those were the terms of our deal, Grim,” the King says, conveniently leaving out the most important part, that Carter was going to sell her to him to clear his debts and secure the deal.

I glance at the King, not liking the way he’s fucking smirking like he assumes she’ll never be able to raise that kind of money. He’s a fool to underestimate her.

“Or I could just shoot you dead and rip up the contract now,” she replies, bringing a smile to my lips. “I’m feeling particularly trigger happy.”

“You could, but we both know that wouldn’t be wise. I have men who know where I am and what time I’m expected back. If I don’t turn up they’ll rain hellfire down on you. You stand alone, Grim, with one man barely alive.”

“She has me too,” Dom says.

“Three against two hundred loyal men. You do the math,” the King retorts.

I can see the defeat written across her face as she tries hard to figure out what to do. We both know that acting out of passion and anger now will be a mistake. She’s smart enough to know that what she needs is time to figure everything out, to make a plan.

That’s what I’ve given her,us. Time. “You’re right, it wouldn’t be wise to kill you.”

“That’s a good girl,” he replies, the fucking patronising prick.

“But don’t for one second think you can walk all over me. I’m not a bleeding heart. I’m a Davidson… No, I’mGrimand no one fucks with me. Let this be your warning.”

“Understood,” the King retorts evenly.

She shifts her attention back to me. “I warned you not to break my heart.”

“I was protecting you!” I protest.

“No, killing Carter wasn’t about you protecting me, it was about you protectingyourselfand believing that I’m incapable of finding a solution to a problem that affects the both of us.”

“That wasn’t what—” I begin, but she cuts me off.

“Once again you failed to consider that I had a say in all of this.Me. I don’t need a man to make decisions for me, I need a man who’s willing to standbesideme whilst we find a solution together. You’re just like all the rest.”

“Kate, you don’t understand…”

“Don’t. Not another word, Beast.”

“I did this for us, for you. I fuckingloveyou,” I say, willing her to believe me. Needing her to know, if nothing else,that’sthe truth.

“Love?” she laughs bitterly. “People like you and me don’t get to love.”

Then she points her gun at me and pulls the motherfucking trigger.

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