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“No shit!” Beast yells.

“I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But this isn’t over. Not for you and not for me.”

“Not over for you? You’re in the middle of the fucking ocean. It’s not as if he can get to you. Fucking convenient if you ask me!” Beast snaps. “We never should’ve trusted you.”

“If I’d have known he was using someone to act as him, I would’ve told you. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted him dead. That hasn’t changed.”

“Then it looks like you owe us a debt,” Kate says, glancing at me briefly before she straightens her spine and grits her teeth. “I’m going to call that in one day.”

“You have my word that the second you do, I’ll be there.”

“And what do you suggest we do now?” Beast asks. “Because I don’t know about you, Kate, I don’t fancy waiting for the first bullet to be fired, do you?”

“I know him. He won’t act. At least not yet. You’ve surprised him, and he’s wary now. He won’t take you on unless he knows he can win. Sit tight. Keep your eyes and ears open and keep building your army. I will call you with any news as soon as I get it. We’ll find him,eventually.”

And with that the line goes dead and I’m left staring at the phone, unable to speak…
