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Mary Jane (All Night Long)


“Did you find out where Rodriguez is hiding?” I ask, pacing back and forth in my kitchen a few days later.

Beast shakes his head, glancing over at Dom who’s standing on the other side of the room, pretending to admire my recently purchased painting hanging on my wall when we all know he just likes the naked female sculpture sitting on the table beneath it. She’s voluptuous with big tits, a round belly and wide hips, and exactly Dom’s kind of woman. “We’ve got eyes and ears on the lookout. Don’t worry, we’ll find the little cunt.”

“And what about the King?”

“Apparently, he’s abroad on business,” Dom replies, dragging his gaze away from the bronze sculpture and back to me.

“That’s fucking convenient!” I shout, my nerves getting the better of me.

I’m not usually this reactive, but after killing Fitzpatrick and outing myself as the person who murdered my own dad, I’m feeling the goddamn pressure. I’m not scared of the King, and I certainly don’t give a fuck if anyone else tries to come for me, I am, however, trying to gauge what move is coming next. This business is like a game of chess. I’ve made my move, now it’s the King’s turn to make his, because if Rodriguez is doing this on his own then I’m the fucking Queen of England.

“There are plenty of ways to skin a cat,” Beast replies, reading me like a book.

I give him a brief dip of my head in acknowledgment. He’s right, there is. “Yeah, I agree. Doesn’t change the fact that by noweveryoneknows that I’ve confessed to killing Carter. News travels fast…” My voice trails off as I consider the repercussions of that.

“You know I would’ve taken the fall. I did kill him after all,” Beast says, sighing heavily.

“And you know you’d have died for it,” Dom says firmly, looking between us both. “Grim saved your arse. No one will come for her, not after what she implied. What’s worse than a grass and a traitor? A fucking nonce.”

“So what do we do now?” I ask.

“Sooner or later he’ll make his next move,” Beast says.

Dom chews on his nail. “And in the meantime?”

“We wait.”

“Fucking fabulous,” I reply just as Cleveland steps into the room, clearing his throat.

“Everything alright?” Beast asks, popping the cap off a bottle of beer that he’s just grabbed from the fridge and passing it to me. I take a grateful swig, the cool liquid is just what I need to quench my sudden thirst and to take the edge off.

“Just wanted to let you know, Ma’am, that Loretta and I have done the rounds and the house is secure.”

“Thanks, Cleveland.”

He gives me a curt nod of his head then glances at Beast.

“Anything else?” Beast asks, filling the sudden, awkward silence.

“Are you going to need a lift home? It’s my night off and I’m heading your way,” Cleveland says without a hint of amusement or innuendo in his voice. Doesn’t matter though, Dom seems to find it amusing, especially since Connall let it out of the bag that Cleveland swings both ways.

“No, Cleveland, I won’t be needing a lift home,” Beast says, glancing at me, the heat in his gaze undeniable. “But fuckface over there could do with one. Ain’t that right, Dom?”

“And there’s me thinking we were gonna spend some quality time together after you’ve been away so long,” Dom responds with a wink before turning his attention back to Cleveland. “I could use a lift. Nancy will have my bollocks if I’m late for dinner anyway.”

“No problem,” Cleveland says with a curt nod, notably avoiding Beast’s gaze this time.

Once Dom has said his goodbyes and leaves with Cleveland, I let out a quiet laugh. “He’s smitten with you.”

“Who Dom?” Beast asks, knowing full well who I’m talking about.

“Ha, ha! You know who I’m talking about. Cleveland.”
