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“You said you needed our help. What’s going on, Grim?”

“Well…” I begin, and for the next five minutes explain about Ford showing up at Tales out of nowhere, telling them about his shady parents and the abuse he’s suffered, and wanting to get him moved to a better home. Hudson is quiet for a moment after I finish, contemplating what I've said.

“Poor fucking kid,” Bryce mutters, his face pale.

I don't know the full story of Bryce's past, but I do know his father was physically abusive and nearly killed him on one occasion, which led to him ending up in care. If anyone knows where Ford is coming from, it’s him. HimandBeast.

“So, do you think you can help?” I press, taking a sip of my now lukewarm tea, my mouth suddenly dry. I don’t know why helping Ford means so much to me, but it does.

“I can have a chat with my contact at the local authority, I’m sure she can pull some strings and get Ford transferred to our old home. The carers are good people. He’ll do well there.”

“Yeah, as far as social workers go, Charlotte’s top class. Pretty too, ain’t that right, Hud?” Bryce says with a cheeky wink.

Beast lifts his brows. “Oh it’s like that, is it?”

“Charlotte’s married and I’m not interested,” Hudson answers. “But yes, I think she’ll be able to help…” His voice trails off as he looks at me.

“What?” I ask, already knowing that I’m not going to like what he’s about to say next. We’ve known each other too long. I can read him like a book.

“Should you be getting this involved with the kid?” he asks.

“I couldn’t turn him away.”

Hudson locks me down with his piercing stare. “And that’s admirable, but have you asked yourselfwhy?”

“Because he came to me for help,” I reply, a little agitated as to the direction his questioning is going.

“And you want to do that by letting him hang out at Tales?”

“What’s the problem, afraid I’ll take your thunder?” I bite back, feeling defensive. “You’re not the only one on the planet who wants to do good things.”

“I meant no disrespect. I’m just concerned for the kid. Tales has a reputation, and he’s impressionable.”

“What are you saying?” Beast complains, shifting forward in his seat and glaring at Hudson. “You think we're not good enough role models, or what?”

Hudson casts a glance at his brothers, who are shifting uncomfortably. I catch sight of Max running his finger across his throat as a warning, but they needn’t worry about me. I love them all no matter how much they piss me off sometimes, and I respect their opinion, Hud’s in particular. So as much as I hate the way this conversation is going, Hudson’s got a valid point. I should be woman enough to realise that.

“It’s okay,” I sigh. “We’re not exactly pillars of society, Beast.”

“What’s with this bullshit attitude?” Beast argues. “You’re agoodwoman, and we’re a great team. The guys at Tales will take care of him too.”

Reaching for his thigh, I give it a gentle squeeze before meeting his gaze. “You really think we’re the best thing for Ford after what you did today?”

“Of course I fucking do, and I’d do it again in a motherfucking heartbeat if it meant keeping that kid safe.”

“Whatdidyou do today?” Hudson asks, then reading my expression holds his hand up. “Wait, forget it. I don’t want to know.”

“Yeah, it’s better you don’t. We wouldn’t want to tarnish your squeaky-clean reputation,” Beast snaps, clearly offended by Hudson’s concerns.

“It isn’t about my reputation. If it was I wouldn’t have helped Grim out when she neededyouthe most,” Hudson bites back.

When I think Beast is about to concede his point, he says, “Matter of fact, why the fuck are you still friends with Grim given you think she's such a bad fucking influence?”

“That’s not what Hud is saying,” Bryce pipes up, shifting forward in his seat.

I can tell he's preparing to step in if Beast and Hudson go toe-to-toe. That's what I like about their relationship; their bond is unbreakable, which is why I've always felt at ease in their company. Once the Freed brothers take you into their hearts, there’s no escaping, and despite this tense-filled moment, I know they’re affection for me extends to Beast if he’d only accept it.

“That’s because I wasn’t,” Hudson says, holding Beast’s angry stare. “I respect Grim. I care for her a great deal. I love her as a friend, and as a friend I’m going to be straight with her,always. Like I’ll always be straight with you. This is the very definition of tough love.”
