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Porter: Be right there.

He glanced down at his guys and sighed. Getting out was going to be easier said than done with the way they were all stacked on him. Porter wiggled around and gently rolled Cy off onto Foi before he tried to unhook Jaygen's arm from around his waist.

"Stop," Jaygen growled before he opened one eye. "What are you doing?"

"I have to pee," Porter whispered. "And Amy wants to talk to me in the kitchen." When he tried to move again, Jaygen pinned him against Oz's body. "Jaygen, I'm not going anywhere, okay? The kitchen is a few feet away."

The man growled again and Porter patted him on the back. Jaygen had been away from him the longest and he wasn't surprised that he was so protective. But he still had to move around and do things. After Jaygen calmed down, Porter tried again.

"Can I go and talk to Amy now?"

Jaygen glanced at him, his gaze searching the human’s face before he sighed. "Don't leave the bar."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Porter reached down and pushed his fingers into Jaygen's soft, blond hair. "Being here with all of you is what I need right now. There's nothing out there for me when you’re all here."

He tilted his head before he nodded. "Okay, but don't take forever."

"Yes, Sir." Porter leaned over and kissed his lips gently before he pulled back. Reaching out, he held Jaygen's cheeks in his palms. "I love you, Jaygen."

"I love you too." Jaygen's eyes searched his for something before he finally pulled away and laid down again. Porter slipped from the bed before Jaygen yanked Foi over to him. "Hold still, mutt."

Foi didn't even argue. Instead, he rolled over and nuzzled his face against Jaygen's chest. Porter stood there for a minute, watching the two of them together as his heart squeezed. Jaygen's fingers traced over Foi's bare back, the motion soothing the wolf back to sleep. Jaygen glanced up at him and Porter smiled.

He was luckiest man alive.

Porter had to pull himself away or he was going to climb right back into bed with them, but Amy needed him first. He had only gone to bed in his underwear so he grabbed an oversized button-up of Jaygen's before slipping it on. Porter couldn't be bothered to do anything more than that. He was still exhausted from the night before. Slipping out of the room, he padded down to the kitchen to find Amy sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Took you long enough."

He smiled softly. "Sorry, Jaygen wouldn't let me go."

Amy tilted her head. "He really loves you."

"They all do," Porter said as he pulled out a chair and sat across from her. "They’ve proved that the past few days."

She nodded. "Good. If anyone deserves good people in their life, it's you." She waved toward a cup sitting to the side. "Your tea is right there."

"Thanks." Porter pulled the cup over and added a bit of sugar before he looked up at her. Amy's eyes held dark circles underneath, her lips pulled down in a slight frown. "What's wrong?"

Amy's thumb slid up and down the cup once she sat it down. "I was thinking about last night. Everything that happened..." She trailed off before she swallowed hard and looked at him. "I'm still coping with it."

"Me too," Porter nodded. "No matter how much of a monster he was, he was still our father. And he was a better one to you than me for a long time."

"It shouldn't be this hard," she whispered. "He made you so miserable and I still can't stop wondering if I did the right thing."

Reaching over, he laid his hand on top of Amy's. "If you hadn't done what you did, he would have never let me be free. There was no way around it."

"I know, but that doesn't make it any easier." She turned her hand over and squeezed Porter's before she pulled away and picked up her mug again. "But that's not what I wanted to talk about. Now that dad's gone, someone has to take over the family. It was always supposed to go to you."

Porter shook his head vehemently. "We both know I've never wanted it and I wouldn't be good at it either. I don't have any ambitions of leading or keeping the families connected."

Amy nodded. "Well, then I guess that makes what I was about to say a lot easier." She straightened up, pushing her shoulders back before her chin lifted into the air. "I want to run the family."

He stared at her, blinking before his mouth started working again. "Really? You do?"

"I've always wanted to do it. Dad said I couldn't. 'Women aren't supposed to lead.'" She rolled her eyes. "I don't know how Mom ever dealt with his bullshit. Maybe he wasn't always that way."

Porter frowned. "Do you remember much about her?"
