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"Little bits and pieces," Amy said softly. "I was only seven when she died, but I just remember her being really happy all of the time. She used to smile so much."

"Until I took her away," Porter mumbled, staring down into his tea while his throat burned.

"That isnottrue!" Amy snapped. "God, Porter. She was so excited about you! All she talked about was having a mama's boy that would cling to her and not be as wild as I was." When Porter looked up, she smiled. "I was always Daddy's girl even when he was gruff or standoffish. I wanted to be just like him. She couldn't wait until she had a miniature her around."

Porter's heart did odd flip-flops in his chest. He quickly wiped his eyes and sniffled before he cleared his throat. There was a lot he needed to unpack, but he wanted to be there for Amy right now. Maybe when things calmed down they could finally talk about their mom the way he'd always wanted to, but had been forbidden to do since he was a child. He wanted to hear everything about her.

"So, you're going to run the family," he said finally, drinking his tea to clear his throat of the lump that had formed. "That should be interesting."

Amy smiled. "Interesting and terrifying. Can you imagine all of those relics still working under our family? They're going to lose their damn minds that a woman is taking over." She shook her head. "But that'll be their problem, not mine."

“Do you think they’ll give you any shit about his death?” Porter asked.

Amy nodded. “Oh, of course. But we all know how this game is played and at the end of the day, no one can prove we were anywhere near the auction house when he was killed. They can bitch about it, but I can pull out their tongues if they start crap too.”

Porter shivered. “Yeah, I think you'll do a good job," Porter sat his cup down and frowned. "But can you do something for me?"


"We couldn't save those people at the auction and they don't deserve to be there. I'm not saying everything has to change overnight, but I want to start helping supernaturals. Before I came here I was so prejudiced against them."

"And now you're in love with a bunch of them," Amy teased.

Porter laughed. "Shut up! I mean it's true, but shut up." He grinned. "Yes, I'm in love with them and I want to help them. But for what I want to do, I'll need money, space, time."

"You're welcome to come home, Porter. That house is as much yours as it is mine. I want us to rebuild memories there that aren't horrible."

"I'll have to ask the guys," Porter smiled. "But knowing them? I don't think they'll want to go back there. It’s where we lost Jaygen for a while.” He turned his mug back and forth. “But as much as I love the host bar, I'm ready to move on and help people too." Porter grinned. "Besides, I think Jaygen's going to be overly possessive for quite a while and I don't want him ripping someone's head off in the bar for looking at me wrong while I’m trying to work."

Amy fanned herself. "Seriously, I need one of those. Not as controlling, but all that growly possessiveness does it for me."

Porter groaned. "Things I never needed to know about my sister."

She chuckled and went back to drinking her coffee. Porter could see some of the weight that had been on her shoulders lifting. She looked more at ease now and he had faith in her that she would run the Manettis right. With her help, maybe they could both make a difference in their own ways.

Porter didn't want the supernaturals to suffer anymore. They deserved to live outside of designated cities, locked inside of little boxes their entire lives. He would do whatever he could for them because if he'd never met his monsters, he would have been stuck with his father forever.

"To new beginnings," Amy said, holding out her mug."

"To new beginnings."

Porter's cup clinked against hers and his heart raced. Despite all of the gloom, there were so many possibilities, so much to see and explore. They both had a life ahead of them now, one where they could make their own decisions and live their lives in peace.

It was all Porter had ever wanted.

"Jaygen, you're being stupid!"

Porter walked into the room to Foi poking at Jaygen. The tiger was still in bed and dressed in his pajamas. Porter walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Lifting Jaygen's shirt he checked out the wounds that had been there the night before. They were already on their way to healing, especially with the ointment he'd applied himself before they went to bed.

"What's going on?" Porter asked Foi as he turned to him.

"I don't know," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "He's just...not being himself."

"Where's Oz and Cy?"

"They went to get Cyrus something to eat. After all the humans, he wanted real food. Jaygen said they could go downstairs and ask Arden to order in for them."

Nodding, Porter looked back down at Jaygen. His cool blue eyes met Porter's but there was none of that sharp gaze, that look of authoritarianism that made Porter's heart speed up. The only thing that greeted him was emptiness.

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